GenerativeComponents Help

Suppress/Delete Transactions

The Transactions dialog allows you to suppress, un-suppress, and delete transactions. Suppressing a transaction removes the transaction from the sequence of steps. The step can be reinserted by reversing the suppression. When suppressed, the translation step is grayed out, and corresponding node removed from the graph view.

Deleting a transaction removes the transaction step permanently. Be sure to delete or suppress only those steps that do not contain nodes that are needed in future steps or those transactions will be broken and produce an error.

While it is a very powerful tool, the transaction player also poses some inherit challenges to consistency. For instance, suppressing or deleting a transaction containing a Point node that is being used in a future transaction to create a line will cause an error when playing the Line transaction.

Playing transactions with endpoint unsuppressed

Playing transactions with endpoint suppressed

When the transaction containing the endpoint of the line is suppressed, the line is unable to recognize the endpoint parameter defined when creating the node, creating a fail badge. This is because the suppression of the transaction removed the point02 node from the model even though the last transaction requires it. To reconcile this error, it is necessary to unsuppress the transaction containing the endpoint of the line and replay the transactions. GenerativeComponents does not enforce consistency when suppressing or deleting transaction steps with respect to future steps, therefore you are responsible for managing transaction dependencies in your model and keeping track of any down-stream implications when deleting or suppressing a transaction.