GenerativeComponents Help

Replicated values and expressions

When a replicated value appears within an expression, the entire expression becomes replicated.

double celsius
celsius = 22
celsius * 1.8 + 32          
      // Result is 71.6.
celsius = {-9, 0, 9}
celsius * 1.8 + 32          
      // Result is {15.8, 32, 48.2}.
celsius <= 7                       //
Result is {true, true, false}.
celsius <= 7 ? 'coat' : 'jacket'   // Result
is {'coat', 'coat', 'jacket'}.
Note: Replicated expressions cannot be used to control program flow.


celsius = 0
if (celsius < 7) Print('Cold!');   // This
works (and prints "Cold!").
celsius = {-9, 0, 9}
if (celsius < 7) Print('Cold!');   // This
does NOT work!

The last statement produces the error message, "Within a 'do', 'for', 'if' or 'while' statement, the control expression must resolve to a single bool value." (Those statement types are covered in the next section, Statements.)