GenerativeComponents Help

Parametric Cell Node

The Parametric Cell Node allows you to extensively reuse your parametric content by placing parametric models as parametric cells. The node has the following three techniques: ByExistingCell, FromLibrary and FromLibraryList.

The following is an example of FromLibrary Technique of the Parametric Cell node.
  • Create Variables, Variations and Expressions of a model in the Variables dialog.
  • Open a file, for example Variables.dgn that has a model drawn in it.
  • Create a cell or attach an existing cell file. For example Window.cel file.
  • Draw a line in the Design Model and place the co-ordinate system nodes on the line.
  • Add a Parametric Cell node to the Graph.
  • Select the FromLibrary technique in the Parametric Cell node.
  • Define the CellName in the Parametric Cell node.
  • Give CoordinateSystem input in the Parametric Cell node by selecting the placed co-ordinate system nodes on the line.
  • Apply Variation from Parametric Cell node to the model.

After applying variations, the model size changes according to the given variation .

FromLibrary Technique of Parametric Cell node