GenerativeComponents Help

Structural Coping Node

Structural Coping Node is used to control GenerativeComponents structural coping options through GC script. Cope Settings is mostly used for the following techniques, ByChaining and ByCurve.

The following is an example of ByChaining Technique and the inputs given in the Structural Member Node are as follows:
ByChaining After placing a set of points, the ByChaining technique in the Structural Member Node is selected.
CatalogItem It takes the input as a string.
Vertices By pressing CTRL and selecting the points ,vertices are added to Vertices in Structural Member Node.
CrossSection Clicking on CrossSection, a Library dialog opens in which the shape is selected.
CopingSettings The CopingSettings in Structural Member Node is hooked to Structural Coping Node.

Structural Coping Node

The following input is given in the Structural Coping Node:

Edge Layout - It has the following three options: Plain , Rounded and Rat Hole.

Plain It cuts the member in a Plain shape.
Rounded It cuts the member in a Round shape.
Rat Hole It cuts the member in a Rat Hole shape.