GenerativeComponents Help

To Rebuild Transactions

A relatively small model can have a long list of auto-recorded Transactions:
Once the model has undergone some development, you can optimize the model's creation by rebuilding a range of transactions or all transactions.
  1. Select transactions by clicking in the leftmost column of the Transactions dialog (single click selects one transactions, <Ctrl>-click adds to the selection, <shift>-click selects the range between the previously selected transaction and the currently selected transaction).

    For instance, the first 16 transactions include nodes for baseCS, two points, a controller, a setoutPoint and a line, and also several changes to the points and the line.

  2. Right mouse click.

    The right-click option menu appears.

  3. Select Rebuild 16 Transaction(s).

    An information dialog opens prompting you with "This operation cannot be undone. Proceed?"

  4. Click Yes.

    The command collects all transactions as they apply to individual nodes, and rebuilds them so the nodes are created in their final state as defined by the selected transactions. The 16 transactions selected are reduced to just 4 transactions.