OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

To Create a new Configuration

  1. Open the Manage Configurations dialog from the WorkPage (WorkPage > Manage Configuration).
    The Manage Configurations dialog opens:

  2. Select Add.
    The New Configuration dialog opens:

  3. Fill in details for Configuration Name, Description, Type and Configuration Folder path.
  4. (Optional) You can turn Off the visibility by turning off the Visible check box.
  5. (Optional) Move the Workspace Setup slider to add or edit configuration variables.
  6. (Optional) You can set WorkSpace and WorkSet permissions in the Permissions drop-down menu.
    Note: You must restart your MicroStation session for the WorkSet and WorkSpace permissions to apply.
  7. Click OK.
A new Configuration is created. This configuration will also be listed along with Example and Custom Configurations on the Home page. When you select this newly created configuration, you will see the associated WorkSpaces and WorkSets for the configuration on the work page.