OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Visible Edge Processing Override Actions

To override the Calculate Intersections and Accuracy settings for all visible edge processes:

  1. Open the Configuration dialog (File > Settings > Configuration Variables), and set the configuration variable MS_VISEDGE_OVERRIDES equal to "CalculateIntersections=true, Accuracy=Medium".
  2. Save the changes and close the Configuration dialog.
  3. (Optional) Verify the overrides by opening the Export Visible Edges dialog (File > Export > Common File Types > Visible Edges). On the General tab, the Calculate Intersections setting for Input is disabled and the Accuracy setting is set to Medium.

Override Remove Smooth Edges

To override the Remove Smooth Edges option for Cached Visible Edge processing only:

  1. Open the Configuration dialog (File > Settings > Configuration Variables), and set MS_CVE_VISEDGE_OVERRIDES equal to "RemoveSmoothEdges=true".
  2. Save the changes and close the Configuration dialog.
  3. (Optional) Verify the override by opening the Export Visible Edges dialog (File > Export > Common File Types > Visible Edges). On the General tab, the Remove Smooth Edges setting for Input is disabled.

Override Visible Edge Plotting Behavior

To force plotting to use exact method and tolerance of 1 inch for plotting only:

  1. Open the Configuration dialog (File > Settings > Configuration Variables), and set MS_PLOT_VISEDGE_OVERRIDES to "Method=Exact, Accuracy=1 inch".
  2. Save the changes and close the Configuration dialog.
  3. (Optional) Verify the method override by opening the Export Visible Edges dialog (File > Export > Common File Types > Visible Edges). On the General tab, the Method setting for Input is set to Exact and is disabled.