OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

To Associate Specification to Design Model Elements

To login to any NBS sites, click the Sign Up link and create your NBS account. You will be required to validate your account following setup. A link will be sent to your email after registration. Click on that link to verify the account.
Note: NBS Chorus Plugin is by default available for AU, UK, ISO and USM datasets.
Note: To enable NBS Chorus Plugin for other datasets define a configuration variable BB_NBSPlugin_ENABLED = 1 in the Configuration Variables dialog and re-open the DGN file.
  1. Launch NBS Chorus Plugin from Data/Reporting ribbon.
    It will navigate you to the NBS Panel and present you with the Sign in option.
    Tip: If you are a new user then Sign Up and create your NBS ID to Sign in.
  2. Click Sign in.

    If you are already logged into NBS website, you will be automatically authenticated and taken through to the NBS Chorus home page.

  3. Click Scan (Active) on the design model panel.

    It scans the active elements present in the DGN and lists them in the design model panel.

  4. Select Scan (All) from the drop-down list.

    It scans all the elements (active and reference) present in the design model.

    • When reference file is activated, the "Scan (Active)" and "Scan (All)" options scans the elements in Reference models only.
    • When reference file is not activated, the "Scan (Active)" option scans elements in active model only and "Scan (All)" option scans the elements in Active as well as Reference models.
  5. Select one or more active model or reference elements from the DGN file and click Add to add the elements to the element list in the design model panel.
  6. Click Remove to remove the element from the element list.
  7. Click Clear Mapping.

    It clears the associated specifications from the left design model panel and the right NBS Chorus panel.

  8. On the right panel under My projects Tab open the project for example, Test_1.

    It lists Specifications available which can be associated to the elements placed in the design model.

  9. Click Add Specification on the projects panel to add specifications.

    It opens the Add Specification page.

  10. Enter the Specification title and Content set and then click Save.
  11. (Optional) Click ellipse icon to Delete specification.
  12. Under the Specifications Tab open the Specification for example, TEST_1.

    It lists set of contents of that particular Specification available which can be associated to the elements placed in the design model.

  13. Select an element listed in the design model panel.
  14. Under Contents Tab select the Content you want to associate to the element by clicking ellipse icon and then click Associate with model.

    The Associate with model panel opens where you can select the Section or one of its Clauses that you would like to associate.

  15. Under Section select the Content for example, Wall panels and then click Associate now.

    It prompts a message Model association successful on the screen.

    The NBS element data is displayed on the left side of the panel under the related columns.

    The blue tick on a particular Content specifies that it has been associated with the model.

    Note: Process is enabled after a specification is associated with a model.
  16. Click Process to save the properties of an associated model.
    Note: If you select a referenced element and associate it with the model an alert dialog appears as follows,
  17. Click Apply All to make the changes to reference elements else click Skip References to skip the changes to reference elements and apply only to active elements.

    If you select the message Don't show this again (Always Apply All) in the alert dialog, the dialog won't appear and the changes will always apply to all the elements.

  18. Click Content for example, Wall panels on the right side of panel.

    It lists all the Requirements of that particular Content.

  19. Click Model Tab on the top of the projects panel and then click Scan model.

    It lists all the Unassociated, Associated elements with the Issues.

    Note: The Building Element Info and element Properties dialog contains the NBS properties for all the associated elements.
The Specification is associated to a Design Model successfully.