OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Structural discipline

Base Offset Control for Beams and Columns

A new Base Offset control on the Beam and Column component Section Orientation options sets the Z axis distance between the elevation of the active Floor Manager reference plane and the elevation of the component being placed.

The value defines offsetting structural members from the active floor, there by allowing to route at an appropriate elevation relative to the active floor. Base Offset can be a negative value.

Add Custom Rectangular/Round Sections Upon Placement

A new option appears on the section picker for Structural column, pile and pier placement tools. When selected, additional controls are provided to enter custom round/rectangular section definitions.

Structural Location

A new Structural property Column Location allows you to query and report locations of columns relative to active grid systems. The locations of columns are reported in the Schedules dialog.

For instance:
  • A column placed at the intersection of two grid lines E and 3. Column Location is reported as E-3.
  • A column placed on a grid line F, but at a certain distance away from grid line 3 (in the negative Y direction). Column Location is reported as F-3 [0:0, -14:2 1/2].
  • A column placed at a location that is not directly on any grid line. Column Location is reported relative to the nearest grid line intersection (grid lines F and 3) as F-3 [10:8 13/16, 12:0 3/4].