OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

To place a compound cell in a linear form

  1. Select ( Place Compound Cell ).

    The Place Compound Cell dialog opens.

  2. (Optional) Select a Compound Cell library from the Current Library option menu.
  3. (Optional) Enter the name of the compound cell in the Active Cell field.
  4. Turn on In Form.
  5. (Optional) Turn on Make Openings.
  6. Identify a linear form with a data point.
  7. Enter a data point to identify the cell placement location in the form.
  8. Move the pointer to locate the compound cell origin and enter a data point to place the compound cell.
  9. (Optional) To place a cell that opens on the opposite side of the form (Flip Back/Front) as the previously placed cell, select the form and place a data point on the same side as the previously placed cell. Click (Flip Back/Front) in the tool settings window. Move the pointer to locate the compound cell origin and enter a data point to place the compound cell.

    Follow this procedure to place a cell that opens on the opposite side of a frame using (Flip Side/Side) option.