OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

To move a room from its original location to another location on the same floor

  1. Click the Move icon.

    The Move room tool settings appear.

  2. Check the Floor level lock option.

    The room can only be moved to a location on the same floor on which it is currently located.

  3. Check the Inclusive plenum option.
  4. Select the room you want to move with a data point.
  5. Enter another data point to establish the reference point to move relative to.

    Prompt area says “Enter 1st point”.

  6. Move the pointer around without entering a data point.

    The room and plenums become selected and the room perimeter is previewed dynamically.

  7. Enter a data point (prompt: “Enter 2nd point”).

    The room is not moved because it is overlapping an adjacent room. The message center displays; Invalid copy vector: rooms are not allowed to overlap

  8. Reset out of the Move room tool (reset = right click).
  9. On the OpenBuildings Energy SimulatorProject Tree, double click on the partition surface that separates the room you want to move and the adjacent room.

    The Properties For: partition dialog opens listing information about the selected partition. Note the Area property value.

  10. Repeat the previous steps, but this time, move the room in line with the partition you just selected.

  11. Enter another data point.

    The room and adjacent plenums are moved.

  12. On the OpenBuildings Energy SimulatorProject Tree, double click on the partition surface that separates the room you want to move and the adjacent room.

    The Properties For: partition dialog opens listing information about the selected partition. Note the Area property value is now smaller.