OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

(Technology Preview) WMTS Map Editor Dialog (Web Map Tile Service)

Used to create a new WMTS map definition.

You can access this dialog from the following:

Raster Manager dialog:

New > WMTS

New Use to create a new map definition file.
Open Use to open an existing map definition file. The Raster File Open dialog displays allowing you to select a XWTMS file on disk.
Save If editing an existing XWMTS, the file will be updated. If creating a new XWMTS, the Raster File Save dialog will open to select the file name and location of the XWMTS.
Save as Opens the Raster File Save dialog to select the new XWMTS file name and location.
(Select) Servers Opens the Servers Manager dialog to select a WMTS server. You can type or paste the URL of a known WMTS server or select the server in the server list.

The Servers Manager dialog makes it possible to mark servers as favorites. The servers combo box in the Map Editors dialog shows the favorite servers in the drop down before any of the other servers.

If the server is changed, all the fields are cleared. A warning message is displayed if a new server is entered before a save.

Available Layers When the WMTS server is selected, the "Available Layers" list is automatically populated with the server's available layers.
Add to map Use to add the selected layers to your map. Double-clicking on a layer in Available Layers also adds the layer to the map.
Map Layers The Map Layers Section displays information about the currently selected layers.
Settings tab The Settings Tab displays the settings for the Server, the Map Definition and the Selected Layer.
Preview tab The Preview Tab displays a preview of the map.
Save If editing an existing XWMTS, the file will be updated. If creating a new XWMTS, the Raster File Save dialog will open to select the file name and location of the XWMTS.
Save and Attach Opens the Raster File Save dialog to select the file name and location of the new XWMTS and attaches it to the current DGN.