OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Space Planning tool

Used to import and place programmed Spaces from external data files.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Architectural > Place Architectural Elements > Space split button > Space from Program

The Space Planning dialog contains options and settings used to place from a list of programmed spaces. The space data is mapped from an imported data file, and applied to placed spaces including the data used to generate the space graphical elements.

Toolbar Contains tools for placement and options. Placement tools are enabled when spaces (rows) are selected. Settings tools open secondary dialogs.
  • Import Spaces - Opens the spaces Import Wizard utility where files with space data are processed.
  • Place Individual Space - Opens the Space Placement dialog where dimensions and attachment method are defined.
  • Place Multiple Spaces - Enabled when more than one space is selected for placement. Opens the Space Placement dialog in its multiple placement mode.
  • Settings - Opens the Space Planning Settings dialog where tool behavior defaults are set.
Spaces data Properties mapped by the Import Wizard are displayed here. Select rows to enable placement tools. Several context or right click menus are available when working with the spaces data panel.
  • Paste/Delete menu - Spaces may be added to the Space Planning dialog by pasting the data from any properly formatted file.
Note: You can manipulate the spaces table:
  • Column Display - By default, only mapped properties are displayed. Right click on a column heading to check property attributes to display.
  • Sort columns - Click inside column headings to sort the table.
  • Move columns - Click and drag column headings to move them in the display.
  • Dockable dialog - The Space Planning dialog can be docked on the outer edges of the main application window.
Messages Located at the bottom of the Space Planning dialog, the messages center dynamically updates information about the listed spaces.

  • Remaining area - The total program area of spaces not yet placed.
  • Selected area - The total area spaces selected for placement.
Note: The information displayed is dynamically updated as spaces are placed.