OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Text Style Checker Settings Dialog

Used to identify source files containing standards, and the properties to check against the standards.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Standards Checker dialog: click the Settings button next to the Check Text Styles field
  • Standards Checker Settings dialog: click the Settings button next to the Check Text Styles field

Standard Text Styles Source Identifies the DGN libraries (DGNLibs) that contain the standards. When a standards check is run in a DGN file, the contents of the DGN file are checked against the standards in the selected DGNLibs.
  • Configured DGNLibs — If selected, the files specified by the MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable are used as the standards.
  • Selected DGNLibs — If selected, only the files in the DGNLibs list are used as the standards. To remove a file from the list, select a file, then click Remove Selected DGNLib(s) from list.
  • <Active Filename> — If selected, the open file is used as the standards source. With this option, you can create a standards file that includes both the actual standards and the settings for checking those standards.
Nonstandard Text Styles If on, the Standards Checker compares the names of the text styles in the standards to the names of the text styles in the file being checked. It then identifies the text styles that are not in the standards.