OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Stair Construction Settings - Annotation tab

Used to control the display characteristics of the parametric symbols generated from the geometry, especially for 2D representation in Dynamic Views.

Often the representation of stair remains unchanged whether you are creating an architectural plan, a reflected ceiling plan or a mechanical plan. It is important to instruct the Dynamic View control how to handle the representation of the stair assembly as a 2D representation. The stair can respect the cut plane definition.

Important: You can control the distance of the stair numbers from the edge of the stair

You can control the size of the gap in the break line

Turn On/Off center line of stair

Stair – 2D Representation

Tip: For boolean properties, set them by either entering T for True or F for False.
Dimension Style Sets the currently activated Style from the Dimension Styles dialog. You can set the attributes of the arrow and text from one of the predefined standard styles available in the Dimension Styles dialog.
Up Label Sets to display the UP label in 2D geometry to be on (True) or off (False). The default is UP.
Display Up Label Sets the Up label display to be on (True) or off (False).
Display Up Straight Point and Arrow Sets the Up Straight point display to be on (True) or off (False).
Display Nosing Sets the display of the Nosing to be on (True) or off (False) for stairs with risers. Nosing is the overlapping distance of one tread to another.
Display Stair Numbers Sets the display of stair tread numbers to be on (True) or off (False). Stair numbering displays in the 2D stair annotation. Stair numbering is a numerical sequence label for each stair riser. The label is placed on the tread/landing adjacent to the top of the riser. 2D stair annotations are visible in a 2D model such as a dynamic view placed on a sheet or drawing.
Down Label Sets the Down label display to be on (True) or off (False). The default label is DN.
Display Down Graphics Sets the display of the Down Graphics to be on (True) or off (False).
Display Down Label Sets the Down label display to be on (True) or off (False).
Display Down Arrow Determines if a down arrow mark is displayed (True) or not (False) in the 2D representation preview and when the stair is represented in a drawing view.
Break Line Defines the break line to cut the stair 2D representation at the breaking point.
  • Straight
  • Slanted
The representation of the stair above cut section is shown with dotted lines.
Break Symbol Sets one of the Symbol Cells from the Cell Library located in the Configuration folder. The path of the selected cell is displayed.

The Select ... option opens the Select Symbol Cell dialog and sets the break symbol from the selected definition.

Browse... opens the Select Cell Library dialog which allow you to select a cell library to use as the break symbol.
2D-Display Sets how the stair be represented in 2D drawing. The one of the three options:Bottom Floor, Middle Floor, or Top Floor determines the 2D symbol.
  • For Bottom floor, displays the stairs assembly up to cut plane with outline of stair assembly above.
  • For Middle floor, displays the stairs assembly outlined at cutline with multiple views of floor below, and fixed distance from upper floor.
  • For Bottom floor, displays the treads that are above the cutline of the floor below.

2D Display property - A: Top, B :Middle and C :Bottom floor

The default option is Undefined, when not set.
BreakLineDistance Control the size of the gap in the break line.
BreakLineWeight Sets the line weight of Breakline.
CenterLine Turn On/Off center line of the Stair. If set to True centerline will be seen in the drawing.
Display Fire Escape Rounding Sets whether to show (True) or not (False) the fire escape rounding sign.
Extend Up down Arrows Sets whether to extend Up and down arrows (True) or not (False).