OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Place Keynote

Used to place keynote symbols, descriptions, and leader lines in a drawing. Keynotes are drawing annotations that identify components of a drawing by short code numbers instead of lengthy descriptions.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Drawing Production > Keynotes > Place Keynote

Keynotes are composed of three parts:

  • a keynote symbol — the code number
  • a keynote description — the equivalent text annotation
  • keynote leader lines — one or more lines and arrowheads that connect a keynote symbol to its associated drawing component.

A keynote is placed with a symbol and the first line of a description. If the symbol and description are on different levels, display of the description can be turned off by turning off the level.

Current Sets the keynote symbol to place.
Select Opens the Keynote List tool settings window.
Leader Controls the style of the leader line:
  • Line — Places the keynote with a linear leader line.
  • B-spline — Places the keynote with a curved leader line.
  • None — Places the keynote without a leader line.
Term. Controls the style of the terminator of the leader line:
  • None — Draws the leader line without a terminating arrow.
  • Open — Draws the terminating arrow as two straight lines.
  • Term. Cell — Draws the leader line as a cell.
  • Filled — Draws the terminating arrow as a solid triangle.
  • Hollow — Draws the terminating arrow as an outlined triangle.
Settings Opens the Place Keynote Settings dialog.