OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Label Coordinate

Used to label the coordinates of elements with Leader Lines and Terminators.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Drawing Production > Place Annotation > Coded Note > Label Coordinate

The configuration variable TFANNOTATION_LABELCOORDTERM_LIBFILE sets the value $(TFDIR)\cell\LabelCoordinateTerminator.cel. This is the name of the terminator cell library file used by the Label Coordinate tool.

Coordinate Option
  • Select ACS to place a Coordinate Label based on the active ACS; or
  • select Global Origin to place the Coordinate Label based on the Global Origin coordinate system.
Order Defines the order in which the labeled point displays —XYZ, YXZ, XY, YX or Z.
Separator Defines the coordinate delimiter. Options are: Newline, Comma, and Space.
X Prefix, Y Prefix, Z Prefix You can specify the prefix for the X, Y, and Z coordinates respectively.
Note: In addition to the settings in the tool settings window, settings are also available for the tool in the Annotate Tool Settings dialog.