OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

File Protection and Rights

The author controls who can access the file’s contents as well as grants or denies rights to users to publish or modify data. OpenBuildings Designer disables all commands for which the corresponding right is not granted. File Protection defines the following rights:

Type of Access Description
View See contents displayed on the screen
Print Plot contents of the file to paper
Edit Modify contents of the file
Export Edit > Copy and ^C — copy (or cut) elements to the clipboard

File > Export/SaveAs — save the contents of the file to a different format

File > Save As — save the contents of the file to a different name without encryption or restrictions

Fence File

Generate an e-plot

Since view right is the default right, it is not explicitly granted by the author. Any user authorized to access the file has the right to view it. The remaining rights control how or if the user can capture the contents.

Export Rights

If you are using OpenBuildings Designer V8i (SELECTseries 2) or later to encrypt files and you restrict the right to export the protected files, users of OpenBuildings Designer V8i (8.11.5.xx) or OpenBuildings Designer V8 XM Edition will not be able to open the files. This is because the security program version number was increased in OpenBuildings Designer V8i (SELECTseries 2). If you do not restrict users from exporting the protected files, then this does not affect you.

How do you decide whether to deny users the ability to the export encrypted files? There are two basic ways of sharing a protected file with other users, each representing a different reason for using file protection.

  • When you protect a file, you base access to the file on a password and/or a digital certificate. In this case, you control who can open the file. The intended recipients are probably people with whom you work. You are using file protection as a way to prevent others from accessing the file. You are not using file protection as a way to control what the intended recipients can do with the file. You would not normally deny the export right in this case.
  • When you protect a file, you grant everyone access to it by creating an "Everyone" license. In this case, you intend to put the file in a more-or-less public place. You do not control who can open the file. You are using file protection to limit the use of the file's data to viewing or perhaps printing. You might decide to deny the export right in this case.

Unlimited Rights

File Protection also defines the "unlimited" right. Unlimited implies all basic rights, plus the right to grant rights and authorize users. Anyone with unlimited rights fills the role of the author who can assign unlimited rights to other users.