OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Stair Manipulation

Existing stairs, when selected, display dimensions, walk lines, up/down symbols and glyphs used as editing handles. You can change values in the heads up display by clicking on the dimensions, or interactively by clicking and dragging the edit handles.

Heads Up Display

Stair dimensions can be edited using the heads up display. Selecting a stair highlights the geometry and displays dimensions in working units. Placing the pointer on an editable dimension value opens in a Heads Up Display dimension editor allowing you to edit the dimension value quickly.

Note: The controlling anchor point selected via Stair Alignment always remains fixed regardless of changes made to the dimensions.

Stair Edit Handles

Stairs contain a set of edit handles that help you manipulate stairs and their placement. For instance, stairs are provided with a pair of handles to Changing Stair Direction.

Before direction change (left), after (right)

By double clicking on these handles only the walk line and stair direction are changed, keeping all other properties unaltered. The walk line is the green dotted line seen in the center of the stair way. The arrow points the direction of the stair.

Stairs with landings and more than one run contain a handle at the center of the ending run. This handle can be manipulated to Change Flight Angle or rotate the direction of the second run about the landing center point. This reforms the landing.

Before changed flight angle (left), after (right)

  • - Rotates the flight about the landing center.

Stairs with landings contain a pair of handles at the center of the landing. These handles can be dragged up or down along the run to shift the location of the landing. This will Change Tread Distribution on the stair.

Before changed tread distribution (left), after (right)

Remember: For Two/Three Quarter Turn stairs, only adjacent pair of runs along the selected landings cab be manipulated at a time. The rest of runs remain unchanged with regard to tread distribution.

Stairs with landings contain a pair of handles along the walk line. These pointers help to Add/Remove Treads at Landings. The movement extends the landing either on the approach or on the departure.

before Add/Remove Tread at Landing (left), after (right)

  • - Adds a tread at the side of the landing where the handle is.
  • - Removes a tread from the side of the the landing where the handle is.

Non monolithic stairs contain handles to Start Stair With Tread or End Stair With Riser.

  • - Indicates Start/End Stair with Tread.
  • - Indicates Start/End Stair with Riser.