OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Building Designer Category Variables

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to all Building disciplines.

Variable Short Name Description
BB_ACCELERATE_DYNAMICS Accelerate Display Performance Determines the level of display dynamics acceleration for part attributes such as rendering, unification, and resymbolization included in view navigation and dynamics.
  • When set to NONE (default), part attributes are displayed during all view navigation and dynamics.
  • When set to LOW, part attributes are not displayed during view navigation and dynamics in the context of Dynamic Views.
  • When set to HIGH, part attributes are not displayed during all view navigation and dynamics.
BB_ANNOTATION_CELLLIB DataGroup Annotation Callout Cell Library Specifies the name of the DataGroup Annotation tool callout cell library file.
BB_AREA_REPORTSEED Area Validation DGN Report Seed Sets the DGN seed file used as a report template for the Area Validation tool.
BB_AREA_XLSREPORTSEED Area Validation XLS Report Seed Sets the spreadsheet file used as a report template for the Area Validation tool.
BB_AUTOANNOTATION DV Auto Annotation Refreshes annotations on drawings and sheets when they are initially created, opened, or referenced.
  • When set to MANUAL, you must select the Refresh Automatic Annotations to run the utility.
  • When set to AUTO, the utility runs automatically when drawings and sheets are opened or referenced.
  • When set to USER (default), you must toggle the associated menu item (Building Designer > Enable Auto Annotations) to run the utility automatically or manually.
Tip: If you are not using dynamic views, set this variable to zero (0) to disable it.
BB_AUTOANNOTATION_ONCREATE DV Auto Annotation on Create Specifies whether or not a refresh of annotations is done for drawings and sheets when they are initially created, opened, or referenced.

When set to 1 (default), refresh occurs automatically upon opening a newly created dynamic view, regardless of the value set for BB_AUTOANNOTATION.

Tip: If you are not using dynamic views, set this variable to zero (0) to disable it.
BB_AUTOANNOTATION_ALLOW_REFLECTED DV Auto Annotation in Reflected View Controls whether auto-annotation is created in a reflected view.

Default 0 no annotations in reflected view

When set to 1 then auto-annotation will be created in a Dynamic View if the reflected view flag is on for a drawing definition.BB_AUTOANNOTATION_ALLOW_REFLECTED.

Tip: Has no effect in Cached Visible Edges.
BB_CATALOGORGDIR DG Catalog Organization Location Location of XML settings files used by the Catalog Organization utility in placement tools such as Place Wall, Place Slab, and Place Steel Column.
BB_CEILINGS_FIXTURELIBRARY Ceilings Fixture Cell Library Specifies the location and the name of the cell library file used for ceiling fixtures.
BB_CEILINGS_PATTERNLIBRARY Ceiling Pattern Cell Library Specifies the location and the name of the cell library file used for patterned ceilings.
BB_CELL_SYMBOL_PATH Cell Symbol Substitution Path Allows setting a search path for cell symbol substitution with supported DV rules. It can be prepended or appended. The highest priority path will be used.
BB_DATASET_ORGANIZATION_FILTER Destination Filter for Organization Dataset Sets the location of the Primary, Organization, shared or centralized dataset, to be used in destination filtering in the DataGroup System.
BB_DATASET_WORKSPACE_FILTER Destination Filter for WorkSpace Dataset Specifies the location of the Workspace Dataset, to be used in destination filtering in the DataGroup System.
BB_DATASET_ORGANIZATION_FILTER Destination Filter for Organization Dataset Sets the location of the Primary, Organization, shared or centralized dataset, to be used in destination filtering in the DataGroup System.
BB_DATASET_WORKSET_FILTER Destination Filter for WorkSet Dataset Specifies the location of the Workset Dataset, to be used in destination filtering in the DataGroup System.
BB_DATASET_WORKSPACE_FILTER Destination Filter for WorkSpace Dataset Specifies the location of the Workspace Dataset, to be used in destination filtering in the DataGroup System.
BB_DISCIPLINE Building Designer Discipline Specifies Building Designer Discipline. Used in the command line to define which Application Mode to run.
BB_DSIMAGEGEN_THUMBNAILSEED BB_DSIMAGEGEN_THUMBNAILSEED Sets the location of the seed file used to create thumbnail images of catalogs in a cut plan view for the placement tool.
BB_DVDATASETELEMENTDISABLE Disable DV Dataset Element If set to 0 or undefined (default), specifies that certain dataset linestyles, patterns and levels will be added to the file if necessary to support Dynamic Views. If set to 1, no such elements are added, resulting in degraded Dynamic View display.
Note: If BB_DVDATASETELEMENTDISABLE is set to 1 and BB_DVLEVELSDISABLE is undefined, then DV Levels will be disabled just as if BB_DVLEVELSDISABLE were also set to 1.
  • If set to 0 or left undefined (default), the default plan symbol in a compound cell is interpreted as view independent.
  • If set to 1, the plan symbol in a compound cell is interpreted as view dependent.
BB_DVLEVELCOMPRESSONFILECLOSE Compress DV Levels on File Close If set to 1, specifies that dataset levels automatically added to the file to support Dynamic Views but never actually used for DV or by persistent elements, are deleted on file close. If set to 0 or undefined (default), no such level compression is performed.
BB_DVLEVELSDISABLE Disable DV Levels If set to 0 or undefined (default), specifies that certain dataset levels will be added to the file if necessary to support Dynamic Views; in addition, these levels' DV usage is tracked. If set to 1, DV Levels are neither created nor tracked, resulting in degraded Dynamic View display.
BB_EAM_MAPPINGFILE Energy Analysis Model's mapping file Sets the path for the Mechanical Building Designer Energy Analysis Model's mapping file, with the default name EnergyAnalysisMappings.xml.
BB_ECQUERY_PATH EC Query Results file path Enables setting a search path for specifying the *.ecquery.xml, used in dynamic view rules based on Results of a Saved Query. It can be prepended or appended. The highest priority path is used.
BB_FLOORMASTER_DGN Floor Management Master DGN File Specifies the location of the Master Floor File (BB_FloorMaster.dgnlib) used to store floor definitions.
BB_FLOORSELECTOR_DISPLAY_REL_ELEVATION Elevation display option in the Floor Selector Determines which elevation information the Floor Selector toolbox displays in its in-line elevation field.
  • If set to 0 or undefined (default), the Floor Selector toolbar displays, in the in-line display, the actual floor elevation.
  • If set to 1, the Floor Selector toolbar displays, in the in-line display, the relative floor elevation.
BB_GBXML_OUT GBXML Out Folder Mechanical Discipline GBXML out folder. Specifies the location of the resulting XML file after the energy analysis of the model.
BB_HUDACCURACYUSEACTIVE Use Accuracy Defined By Working Units Specifies the HUD (Heads Up Display) accuracy.
  • When defined (default = 1), HUD accuracy is defined by the working units.
  • When undefined, HUD accuracy is defined by the dimension style.
BB_ITEMBROWSER_FASTLOADING Open Item Browser Shortens the time it takes to open the item browser (Enabled = 1 (default), Disabled = 0)
BB_MRU_MAX_SIZE MRU list size for DG dialogs Specifies MRU list size for DG Dialogs.
BB_NOSURVEYUNITWARNING Survey Feet Units Warning Controls displaying warning dialog for use of Survey units.
  • When set to 0 or undefined (default), a warning dialog will be presented regarding the use of Survey units in the product.
  • When set to 1 or the option to "Don't show this warning again" is selected, then the dialog will be suppressed, however informational warnings will continue to be presented in the message center.
BB_PERFORATE_SLAB_SIDES Should sides of slab-free or smooth-form be penetrated by perforators Sets behavior of perforators acting on the sides of slab-free or smooth-form components.
  • When set to 0 or Undefined (default), the behavior is not enabled.
  • When set to anything else, the behavior is enabled.
BB_PUBLISH_SMOOTH_REFERENCE_CURVES i model reference geometry create Sets behavior that creates exact reference geometry in imodels (arc not linestring). (Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0 (default))
  • When set to 1, the behavior is enabled.
  • When set to 0 or Undefined (default), the behavior is disabled.
BB_RAILING_BALUSTER_CELLLIST Parametric Balusters from Cell Library Specifies default cell library that contains parametric cells for Balusters for Railing Tool.
BB_RAILING_CELLLIST Handrail Post and Baluster Cell Library Specifies default cell library that contains cells for Posts and Balusters.
BB_RAILING_END_CELLLIST Handrail Ends Cell Library Specifies default cell library that contains cells for Handrail Ends
BB_RAILING_PANEL_CELLLIST Baluster Panel Cell Library Specifies default cell library that contains parametric cells for Baluster Panels.
BB_RAILING_PROFILE_CELLLIST Handrail Profile Cell Library Specifies default cell library that contains cells for Handrail Profile.
BB_RFA_ORGANIZATION _SETTINGS Location of RFA wizard setting for Organization Dataset Specifies the location of  the RFA wizard setting for the Organization Dataset.
BB_RFA_WORKSPACE_SETTINGS Location of RFA wizard setting for Workspace Dataset Specifies the location of  the RFA wizard setting for the Workset Dataset.
BB_RFA_WORKSET_SETTINGS Location of RFA wizard setting for Workset Dataset Specifies the location of  the RFA wizard setting for the Workspace Dataset.
BB_STAIRASSEMBLY Stair XML File Specifies the location and the name of default XML file used by the Stair tool.
BB_STAIRCONSTRAINTPATH Stair Constraints XML File Specifies the location and the name of the default constraints XML file used by the Stair tool.
BB_STAIRCONSTRAINTS Stair Constraints Default xml file Specifies the name of the file used to check constraints.
BB_STAIRTREADPROFILE Stair tread profile default directory Specifies the default directory where stair profiles are saved.
BB_SUPPRESS_TOOLBOX_AUTOINIT Suppress Auto Open of Tool Boxes By default, certain tool boxes are open when the application is first initialized. After initialization, all toolbox open states are managed by the User Preference File (upf). If defined, automatic opening of application toolboxes will be suppressed.
BB_SWA_VALIDATION_SCALE Solids Working Area Validation Scale If defined, this variable allows for the Solids Working Area Validation tool to scale the validation volume up to three times the original SWA cube. Working a little outside the Solids Working Area will typically not result in visible floating point accuracy issues. If undefined, or set outside the range of 1.0 - 3.0, the SWA scale factor will default to the original SWA design cube.
BB_TERMINATOR_CELLLIB DataGroup Annotation Terminator Cell Library Specifies the name of the DataGroup Annotation tool terminator cell library file.
BB_UNIFICATION_METHOD DV Unification Glue Provides superlative dynamic view unification performance and enables greater tolerance control between touching and connected geometry.
  • When set to GLUE (default), unification glue is enabled.
  • When set to MERGE, unification glue is disabled.
BB_UNIFICATION_MT DV Unification Glue Processors Specifies the manner by which the Unification Glue is processed.
  • When set to 0, all unification is performed internally by OpenBuildings Designer.
  • When set to 1, large unifications are distributed to separate processes (tfunifiers.exe), while standard unifications are handled by OpenBuildings Designer.
  • When set to 2 (default), all unifications are distributed to separate processes (tfunifiers.exe).
Tip: You should have 8 GB of RAM or more, in order for this to be efficient.
BB_UNIFICATION_TOLERANCE_MM DV Unification Glue Tolerance Specifies the gap or overlap of unification between touching or connected forms. The default is 7 (7mm).
BB_VISIBILITY_THRESHOLD Visibility Threshold (Undefined by default) Some elements in a drawing may not be seen by the Visibility Calculator if the threshold is too high. Adjusting this setting may allow the elements to be seen in the drawing. Allowable values are between 0 and 1. Default value is 1.0e-8.
TFANNOTATION_CELL_LIBFILE Annotation Tool Cell Library Specifies the location and the name of the cell library file used for the Annotation tools.
TFANNOTATION_CODEDNOTECELL_LIBFILE Annotation Tool Coded Note Callout Cell Library Specifies the location and the name of the cell library file used for the Coded Note Annotation tool.
TFANNOTATION_CODEDNOTETERMCELL_LIBFILE Annotation Tool Coded Note Terminator Cell Library Specifies the location and name of the terminators cell library file used for the Coded Note Annotation tool.
TFANNOTATION_OVERRIDES Annotation Tool Settings Specifies the location of the annotation settings file.
TFANNOTATION_PREFS Annotation Tool Pref File Location Specifies the location of the annotation tool user preferences file.
TFANNOTATION_SCALECELL_LIBFILE Annotation Tool Scale Cell Library Specifies the location and the name of the cell library file used for scale display in the Annotation tools.
TFBREP_COMPRESSCACHE Compress *.tfb files Reduces the size of *.tfb files through compression.
Note: If TFBREP_NOTFILLCACHE is set to 1, this variable is not applicable.
TFBREP_NOTFILLCACHE Prevent creation of *.tfb Prevents the creation of *.tfb files.
  • When set to 1 (default), creation of .tfb files is prevented.
  • When set to 0, creation of .tfb files is allowed.
TFCELL_EXTENSION Cell Library File Extensions. Specifies the file extensions that are recognized as cell libraries.
TFDATASET_COMP_NOAUTOLOAD AutoLoad Components Avoids loading of components at startup.
TFDATASET_CPART_NOAUTOLOAD AutoLoad Compound Parts Avoids loading of Compound Parts at startup.
TFDATASET_SHOWDUPLICATEFAMILIES Show Duplicate Families Enables family and part concatenation; the first part defined is the one that is used. Default is 1 ("on" or "yes").
TFDIR Dataset Root Specifies the location of the root dataset.
Tip: You can set TFDIR in any other configuration file, including the Workset Configuration File (*.cfg).
TFDIR_ASSEMBLIES Location of Assemblies Specifies the location of required dynamic link libraries (dll's).
TFDIR_BAK Backup Files Specifies the location where backup files are saved.
TFDIR_CELL Compound Cell Libraries Specifies the location of compound cell libraries.
TFDIR_COMP Component Libraries Specifies the location of component libraries.
TFDIR_CPART Compound Part Libraries Specifies the location of compound part libraries.
TFDIR_DATA Data Files Specifies the location of miscellaneous data files, including the structural section files.
TFDIR_FRAME Frame Settings Files Specifies the location of frame recipe files used by the Parametric Frame Builder tool.
TFDIR_MACRO Specification Macro Files Specifies the location of macros for generating specification books from text documents using the Quantify tool.
TFDIR_PART Parts Libraries Specifies the location of OpenBuildings Designer parts libraries.
TFDIR_PREFS TriForma Preference File Location Specifies the location of the OpenBuildings Designer preferences file.
TFDIR_SEED TriForma Model Seed File Location Specifies the location of the OpenBuildings Designer model seed files.
TFDIR_SETTING Settings Files Specifies the location of miscellaneous settings files, used by Frame Builder, Truss Builder, etc.
TFDIR_TEXT Specification Text Files Specifies the location of specification text files used by the Quantify utility.
TFDIR_VBA VBA Files Specifies the location of Visual Basic for application files.
TFDIR_XLS Quantify Excel File Seed Location Specifies the location of the Microsoft Excel seed file, used when the Quantify report is in Excel format.
TFKEY_DIR Keynote Settings Specifies the location of keynote settings cells and files used by the Keynotes tools.
TFPART_RENDER Enable Rendering By Part Indicates whether or not render-by-part features are enabled; 0=no, 1=yes.
TFPW_LOADED PW Environment Set to 1 if running in ProjectWise environment.
TFVBAPROJECTS_LOADONSTARTUP MVBA Startup Projects Controls MVBA projects launch on startup.
TF_ANNOTATE_DOOR_ID_XPATH ID Property in the Door schema Used to define the XPath to the Property ID, used to store the value that is used by the Door Annotation tool.
TF_ANNOTATE_WINDOW_ID_XPATH ID Property in the Window schema Used to define the XPath to the Property ID, used to store the value that is used by the Window Annotation tool.
TF_BYPASS_VALIDATION Define this to skip DS validation Define with an integer (defaults to 1) to skip the validation process when starting Building applications.
TF_DATASETNAME DataSet Name Specifies the active dataset.
TF_DATASETS DataSet Location Specifies the location where dataset folders are stored.
TF_DONOT_PRESERVE_SYMBOLOGY Updates the symbology of 2D components Used to update the symbology of 2D symbols if they have parts assigned to subcomponents. Default is 1 ("on" or "yes").
TF_PRESERVE_2DSYMBOLOGY Preserve 2D Symbols symbology Specifies whether 2D plan symbol symbology is updated when generating drawing views.
TF_RESOLVE_NONEXISTENTLEVEL Nonexistent Level Resolution Sets behavior when creating a form, where the part determines the level but the level does not exist.
  • When set to CREATE or nothing (default), the required levels are created.
  • When set to anything else, the forms are generated on levels whose name matches the value of this variable.
Note: So if it is set to Unresolved, then a level "Unresolved" is created, and the forms are generated on that level.
TF_UNIFY_CELL_CHILDREN DV Unification of Cell Children Enhances unification to include the children of normal/compound/adf cells, at some performance penalty. (Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0 (default))
TF_USE2DSYMFORMASK Use 2d Symbols for masking Specifies whether or not shapes can be used in 2D symbols for forward and reflected view masking.
  • If set to 1 (default), the behavior is enabled.
  • If set to 0, the behavior is disabled.
TF_USE_UNIFIER_FOR_CENTERLINE_SYMBOLOGY Use unifier for centerline symbology Sets the drawing symbology part unifier for center line symbology.
  • When set to 0, the part unifier is not used.
  • When set to 1, the part unifier is used (if it exists).

Uncategorized Building Configurations

List of user configuration variables that generally apply to all Building applications which are listed in the Configuration dialog's All (Alphabetical) category.

Variable Description
BB_CONSTRAINTS Defines usage of constraints settings for stair placement. When defined, constraints are used.
BB_GRID_TEMPLATE_DGNLIB Specifies search paths for Grid and Elevation Element Templates.
BB_SMARTFEATURE Default value set to 1.
TF_CHILDAPPS Designates required icon lock and ACS planes variables.
TF_ECAPPS_AUTOLOAD Specifies the file name(s) of ECAPPS loaded at startup.
TF_NOCOMPATIBILITYWARNING Specifies whether or not a backward compatibility warning is displayed at startup.
  • When set to 0 (default), the warning is displayed.
  • When set to any other value or undefined, the warning is suppressed.
TFANNOTATION_LABELCOORDTERM_LIBFILE Name of the terminator cell library file used by the Label Coordinate tool.
TFAPP Displays the currently loaded Building application.
TFDIR_MDLAPPS Specifies the location where MDL applications are stored.

Unlisted Building configurations

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to all Building disciplines which do not appear in the Configuration dialog.

Variable Description
BB_TASKDOCKINGPREF Specifies the location where the Task Based Intece docking preference file is stored.
BB_TASKXMLDIR Specifies the location where the Task Based Interface files are stored.
BD_HIDERFAWIZARD Specifies whether or not the RFA Wizard is available in the UI.
  • When set to 0 or undefined (default), the RFA Wizard available in the UI.
  • When set to 1, the RFA Wizard is hidden.
TF_CACHEDIR Specifies the location of *.tfb and *.hst files.
Note: If TFBREP_NOTFILLCACHE is set to 1, this variable is not applicable.
TFMODEL_ALLOWSYNCDRAWING Controls behavior when issuing the key-in command TFMODEL SYNCHDRAWING.
  • If set to 1 (default), the command is enabled allowing a recalculation of the Drawing model base on the contents of the Master model.
  • If set to any other value or not defined, then the command will not perform any action.
TFPART_CACHE_RENDER Controls whether part materials are cached between rendering updates.
  • If set to 0 (default), then part rendering cache is disabled.
  • If set to 1, then part rendering cache is enabled.
_USTN_SUPRESS_NEWTEMPLATEDEFAULTS If defined (to any value), suppresses auto population of new templates with general tab and default symbology properties.