OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Mechanical Preferences

Contains preference settings and controls for Mechanical discipline utilities including AccuSnap hints and hints for duct, flex duct and fittings.

Name for Preferences This is a text editor field where the name for Mechanical discipline preferences is set.
Options Miscellaneous application options are located here.
  • Heads Up Display in view — Select a view from the drop down list to assign as the working view dedicated for Heads Up Display modifications. Default is view 8.
  • Confirm discipline change during command — When on, a message appears confirming a change in the active discipline when applicable.
  • Automatically add end caps — When on, attaches the end caps automatically to the open ends on 3D duct/pipe during placement. Further, if any fittings or component is attached to the duct/pipe ends, then the end caps are removed to accommodate connections for other fittings.
Drawing Pipe turn down size settings to display in drawing.
  • Pipe turn down size: — Sets pipe turn down size in a drawing to one of the below options:
    • Actual
    • Percentage
    • Fixed
  • Size: — Enables for Percentage and Fixed modes; sets the value for Pipe turn down size.
Note: The variable BMECH_PIPE_TURNDOWN_SIZE controls the pipe turn down size preference, where the mode set to fixed with the specified size helps achieving a consistent graphical output across entire project or organization.
Focus Item Description field A description displays for the setting that has active focus in the dialog.
Defaults Returns all Mechanical discipline preferences to the default settings.
OK Saves settings and dismisses the dialog.
Cancel Disregards input and dismisses the dialog.