OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

User Configuration Variables

This table lists user configuration variables by category.

Category Variable Short name Description
Cells The topic Cells Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to cells.
Colors The topic Colors Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to color.
Data Files The topic Data Files Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to data files.
Database The topic Database Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to databases.
Design Applications (not applicable) (not applicable) List of MDL applications to load automatically when a DGN file is opened. See Configuration Variables dialog.
Design History The topic Design History Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to Design History.
DWG/DXF The topic DWG- and DXF-related Configuration Variables has a complete list of DWG- and DXF-related configuration variables.
Engineering Links The topic Engineering Links Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to Engineering Links.
Extensions The topic Extensions Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to extensions.
File Saving MS_DGNAUTOSAVE Design File Auto-Save If set to 0 or a negative number, auto-save is disabled for all file types. If set to a positive number, auto-save is enabled for all file types. The specified positive number applies when editing V8 format design files. It determines the number of seconds of user inactivity that should elapse before OpenBuildings Designer auto-saves.
  MS_V7AUTOSAVE V7 Design File Auto-Save If set to a positive number, specifies the number of seconds after the first change to the V7 design file that auto-save occurs. When this time elapses, an Alert window appears that asks you whether the changes should be saved. The saving time can be significant, so you can defer the saving by clicking Cancel in the Alert window. If set to zero, auto-save is not done while the file is open. The file is automatically saved on exit or when switching to a different file.
  MS_V7AUTOSAVE_NODIALOG V7 Auto-Save Dialog If set to a positive number, specifies the number of seconds after the first change to the V7 design file that auto-save occurs. When this time elapses the Alert window is skipped and the file change is auto-saved.
  MS_V7BACKUPV8 V7 create backup in V8 format Automatically creates a backup of a V7 file in the V8 format. If set to true, a file is created in the same directory with the extension .v8.
  MS_DWGAUTOSAVE DWG/DXF File Auto-Save See DWG- and DXF-Related configuration variables.
  MS_DWGAUTOSAVE_NODIALOG DWG/DXF Auto-Save Dialog See DWG- and DXF-Related configuration variables.
Geographic Coordinates The topic Geographic Coordinates Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to geographic coordination.
Levels The topic Levels Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to levels.
Macro Recorder The topic Bentley Macro Recorder has a complete list of configuration variables relating to Macro Recorder and Visual Basic for Applications.
Markup The topic Markup Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to markups.
OLE MS_OLE_RETAIN_CONTROL_SIZE Retain display size of object If set to 1, the display size of the OLE object is retained. If set to 0 or not set (the default), the OLE object is resized according to the size reported by OLE server.
  MS_OLESERVE_EMBED_REFFILES Embed References If set, references are embedded along with the master DGN file.
Operation The topic Operation Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to operation.
Point Cloud MS_POINTCLOUD_LAS_NBIT_COLOR Point Cloud LAS File Color treatment If defined and set to 8, will treat color as 8 bits. If set to 16, will treat color as 16 bits

If undefined or set to any other value; will try to auto detect number of bits per color channel.

Primary Search Paths The topic Primary Search Paths Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to primary search paths.
Printing The topic Printing Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to printing.
Protection The topic Protection Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to file protection.
QuickVision QV_DISABLE_D3D11 Disables Direct3D Version 11 Setting QV_DISABLE_D3D11 to 1 forces the system to use Direct3D 9 (D3D9) rather than Direct3D 11 (D3D11). Since D3D9 is simpler than D3D11, some graphics hardware or drivers work correctly with D3D9 but not with D3D11. However, D3D11 is faster and preferable. Try upgrading to the latest driver for your hardware before setting QV_DISABLE_D3D11.
  QV_DISABLE_HARDWARE Disables Graphics Hardware Accelaration Setting QV_DISABLE_HARDWARE to 1 disables all hardware acceleration. This setting can be used to circumvent problems with graphics hardware or drivers, but it causes a large performance penalty.
Raster The topic Raster Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to rasters.
Reference The topic Reference Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to references.
Rendering/Images The topic Rendering/Images Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to rendering and images.
Reports MS_REPORT_OUTPUT Report Output Default output directory where report results will be exported.
Security The topic Security Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to security.
Seed Files The topic Seed Files Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to seed files.
Spelling The Spell Checker tool topic has a complete list of configuration variables relating to spelling.
Standards Checker The topic Standards Checker Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to standards checking.
Symbology MS_FONTCONFIGFILE Font Configuration File Path Specifies the full path of the font configuration file. Default path is “$(MS_SYSFONTDIR)/MstnFontConfig.xml”.
MS_FONTPATH Font Directories Path or list of paths that contain RSC, SHX, or TrueType font files.
  MS_SYMBRSRC Symbology Resources List of symbology resource files — last one in list has highest priority.
System Env(ironment) MS_CONFIG Main Configuration File Main OpenBuildings Designer configuration file — sets up all configuration variables.
  RSC_COMP Resource Compiler Command Line Text string to be inserted at the beginning of the command line by the resource compiler (used to specify where to search for include files).
  MDL_COMP MDL Compiler Command Line Text string to be inserted at the beginning of the command line by the MDL compiler (used to specify where to search for include files).
  BMAKE_OPT BMAKE Options Command line options for BMAKE. Used to search for bmake include (.mki) files.
  MS_DEBUGMDLHEAP Extended Malloc If set (to the base name of an MDL application or “ALL), use extended malloc for debugging.
Tables MS_TABLE_INPUT Table Input Default directory where the Excel workbooks and .csv files that will be used as data sources for tables are stored.
Tags The topic Tags Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to tags.
Temp and Backup Files MS_DWG_BACKUP Directory for DWG backup files See DWG- and DXF-related Configuration Variables.
  MS_NO_DWG_BACKUP Turn off DWG .bak files See DWG- and DXF-related Configuration Variables.
  MS_BACKUP Backup Files Default directory for backup files.
  MS_TMP Temporary Files Directory for temporary files created and deleted by MicroStation.
  MS_SCR Scratch Files Directory for scratch files created by MicroStation.
Translation — CGM The topic Translation — CGM Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to CGM Translation.
Translation — IGES The topic Translation — IGES Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to IGES Translation.
Translation — Step The topic Translation — Step Configuration Variables has a complete list of configuration variables relating to Step Translation.

The topic Uncategorized Configuration Variables has a complete list of configurations variables that are uncategorized.