OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Bentley CONNECT Advisor Dialog

Used to search for content from different sources such as Bentley Communities, Bentley LEARNserver, and Bentley YouTube channels, Product Help and display relevant information with links to the web pages. You can also look out for other information such as news and announcements, upcoming events, and QuickStarts.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Click the CONNECT Advisor icon on right side of the ribbon

Type the "search phrase" that you want to search from Bentley content. Pressing <Enter> or clicking the Search icon next to the field performs the search and displays the result from different sources. It also auto suggests strings that might have been previously searched by other users. It also supports boolean searches using AND, OR and NOT. An example of this can be as follows:

AccuSnap AND AccuDraw - Results containing both terms, MicroStation and AccuDraw, will be displayed. For terms containing more than one word, enter the words in quotes. For example, "Named Boundaries" or " Modify Solid"


Allows you to sort the results based on Author, Date, and Title. The default is Date. Sorting can be done in ascending or descending order.
Content Type

Allows you to select the source of content from which you want to get the results. Options are All, LEARN, Communities, and YouTube. By default, the content is searched from all locations. The selection in this setting is reset with change in View Criteria.

Allows you to filter the content based on Region and Tags. The selection in this setting is reset with change in View Criteria.
Knowledge Maps and Learning Paths
  • Knowledge Paths - Allows you to see your progress and expertise for the product in use. It shows the status of the training that you have started/completed. It shows how you are doing in a graphical format.
  • Learning Paths - Allows you to view your assigned learning paths (Self Assigned and Organizational assigned learning paths) in a tree format. It also shows the status of the trainings that you have started/completed in a particular learning path. If there are no learning paths assigned to the user, this functionality is not available.
Allows you to reload the search results.
User Settings

Opens the User Settings dialog where you can customize CONNECT Advisor as per your preferences. You can set your desired View, Sort and Filter settings . You can do the following:
  • Use last session settings - use the changes in settings saved from the last session
  • Use my saved settings - save your preferred view, sort, content type and filter settings by selecting Save current settings and clicking Ok.
  • Themes - select the Classic theme or the Modern theme for display of search results.
  • Auto-Refresh - turn this setting on to automatically refresh the application. You can set a duration after which the application will refresh. It is Off by default.
  • Keep window always on top - turn this on to keep the CONNECT Advisor dialog always on top of other application windows. It is on by default.
  • Launch CONNECT Advisor on startup - This setting is inactive in OpenBuildings Designer CONNECT Edition Update 10.
  • Restore default settings - revert to default settings.
My Favorites

Allows you to bookmark the content (Learn, YouTube video, Community posts, Events, News and Announcements, Product Help) of your choice as a favorite item. While viewing any content, you can right click on the desired search result and add it to your favorites list.

Opens the About Bentley CONNECT Advisor dialog where you can view the program information like version and other details about the Bentley CONNECT Advisor.

Opens the help for the Bentley CONNECT Advisor.
View Criteria Allows you to filter the results based on any one of the selected criteria. There are the following three tabs:
  • General
    • Most Recent
    • Search Results
    • QuickStarts
    • Upcoming Events
    • News and Announcements
  • Personal Learn - contains Learn videos and personalized suggestions when you are logged in:
    • Ongoing Training - Any Learn courses/ training that you take via Learn Portal or CONNECT Advisor, will be displayed here. You can review your in-progress trainings in this view.
    • My Suggestions - Based on your in-progress trainings, CONNECT Advisor will suggest some Learn courses for you.
  • Contextual - content that is applicable to your current action in OpenBuildings Designer (for example command in progress) is displayed here.
Result Display The results are listed according to the search and filter criteria. Depending on the content type, clicking a result performs the following actions:
  • Bentley Communities posts - Opens the Bentley Communities page in your default browser.
  • Bentley LEARNserver or YouTube videos - The selected video is played in the in-product video player.
Message bar Displays information and error messages that occur in the Bentley CONNECT Advisor. It also shows the current number of results displayed.