OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Attach Border

Used to attach a drawing border as a reference file and to fill in the title block information. In addition to the Attach Border tool settings window, the Select Border dialog opens, where a sheet size border is picked to apply.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Building Design > Drawing Production > Keynotes > Legend (split button) > Attach Title and Border

Title 1 Sets the first line of the title of the drawing. The maximum size of this field is 38 characters.
Title 2 Sets the second line of the title of the drawing. The maximum size of this field is 38 characters.
Sheet # Sets the sheet number of the drawing. The maximum size of this field is 5 characters.
Attach at 0,0 Controls the placement of the drawing border:
  • If on, sets the lower-left corner of the drawing border to 0,0.
  • If off, sets the lower-left corner of the drawing border to the coordinates of the data point.
Note: Edit the remaining title block information using Enter Data Field tools.