OpenBridge Modeler

Stiffener Placement dialog

Used to place transverse stiffeners along steel beams within a beam group.

Opens when the Place tool is selected on the Superstructure ribbon tab in the Stiffeners group and a beam group is selected.

beam list A list of all beams in the beam group is displayed here. Select the beam on which you want to add stiffeners.
Add Click to add a row to the stiffener table. You can use this to add individual stiffeners.
Remove Click to remove the selected row from the table.
Remove All Click to remove all rows from the table. This will remove all stiffeners from the currently selected beam.
Wizard Opens the Stiffener Location Wizard dialog, which is used to parametrically place stiffeners along the selected beam.
Copy Opens the Copy Stiffeners dialog, which is used to copy the stiffeners from the currently selected beam to one or more of the other beams in the beam group.
Validate Click to have the program validate if the current stiffener layout for the beam group contains any detectable problems, such as overlap.
OK Click to save the current stiffener layout to the beam group.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving the stiffener layout.