OpenBridge Modeler

Quantities tool

Opens the report Preview window with the quantities report loaded for editing and output creation.

Found on the Analysis and Reporting ribbon tab, in the Bridge Reporting group.

Tool Settings

Setting Description
Hide Unit/Cost Data Select this option to hide the Unit Price and Cost for each line item in the report. Will also turn off the bridge component cost pie chart.
Detailed Cross-Frames Generates detailed breakdown for each component in cross frame (struts, diagonals, plates, stiffeners and connectors) rather than consolidated quantity report

The Preview window for this report includes selection parameters to include all bridges and units or only the active bridge or unit in the quantities report. In addition to the total cost of the bridge or unit, the report also shows the computed deck surface area (approximate) and the bridge cost per area (either square feet or square meters).

Note: The unit price used for pricing of these quantities is set in the Materials dialog.
Key-in: bmreport reports quantity