OpenBridge Modeler

RebarSet-Wall/Panel - Options tab

Used to control reinforcement display and other options.

Display Mode Sets the mode how rebar displays on your drawing:
  • Line – Displays rebar as single lines only.
  • Cylinder – Displays rebar as extruded cylinders.
Minimum Bar (Leg) Length Type a value to use as a threshold for the shortest bar length to be created in a rebarset. Any length short than this will be skipped.
Manage End Conditions When checked, affects the settings in the End Conditions tab.
Extend Through Mitered Joints When checked, extends the rebarset bars through mitered joints in adjacent panels.
Maintain Clearances Sets either Near or Far or both to maintain clearance. Activates Opening Clearances.
Maintain Opening Clearances Opening clearance can also be set to either Near or Far or both in accordance with Maintain Clearances.
Generate RebarSet Parallel to Concrete Element ECS XY Plane When checked, forces the rebar to be placed parallel to the concrete element coordinate system. Set either Near or Far to apply accordingly.
Apply Polycuts When checked, the reinforcing to apply a polycut opening.
Polycut Cover When checked, enables settings polycut dimension from the list or entering a new value.
Apply End Conditions to Polycut When checked, end conditions are applied to the polyucuts.
Apply End Condition Offsets When checked, end condition offsets are applied to the polycuts.
Create Vary Sets

When checked, enables creating vary codes. Vary Sets are detected (default is ON).

Embed All Bars When checked, embeds all size bars in rebar. All bars are embedded in the concrete. This comes into play when Number of Bars Each Length is greater than 1.

For instance, if is OFF, and Number Bars Each Length is 2, then the bar closer to the trapezoid edge of the concrete may stick out, or be closer to the edge than the Side Clearance, the bar farther from the trapezoid edge of the concrete is located at the Side Clearance (see examples below.) Default is ON.

Detect Non-Linear When checked, non-linear bars are detected. The process detects non-linear Vary Sets, otherwise they are ignored (default is OFF).
Group By Long Bars When checked, the rebar groups longer bars. The bar is grouped starting at the long end of the Vary Set. This comes into play when Number of Bars Each Length is greater than 1, AND the total quantity of bars in the vary set are not evenly divisible by Number of Bars Each Length (see examples below.). Default is ON.
Minimum Number of Groups/Bars Sets the minimum groups necessary for vary set. Requires a whole number as the input. Sets the minimum number of adjacent bars which vary in length at and even (or non-linear) rates to be considered a Vary Set (default is 3).
Number of Bars Each Group/Each Length Sets the quantity of bars a group can have. Requires a whole number as the input. Rather than having all bars in a Vary Set be a different length, and thus need to be cut at different lengths, fabricators like to group 2 or more bars at each vary length for fewer cuts (see examples below). Default is 1.
Maximum Increment Sets the incremental factor for bars –the maximum variance length from one bar to the next. If the bar lengths along the trapezoid edge vary in length by more than this value they are not considered a Vary Set (default is 1' or 300mm).
Maximum Differential Sets the differential factor for bars –the maximum variance length from the first bar to the last bar. If the bar lengths from one end of the trapezoid edge to the other end vary in length by more than this value they are not considered a Vary Set (they can be broken down into multiple Vary Sets). Default is 30' or 10000mm.
Vary Code Determines how Bar Marks are assigned within Vary Sets, and can be set independently for Straight (bar) Vary Sets and Bent (bar) Vary Sets.
  • Straight – Sets the vary code mark for straight
  • Bent – Sets the vary code mark for bent
Sets the vary code marked with S(Same), A(Auto) or G(Group).
  • A – Auto Mark – (default value for Bent Vary Sets) assigns incrementally increasing Bar Marks to each different length of bar within the Vary Set.
  • L - Letter Appended - assigns Letter Appended Barmarks. It is possible to have bars in one Vary Set labeled as for example, 11a, 11b, 11c and so on.
  • S – Same Mark – (default value for Straight Vary Sets) assigns the Same Bar Mark to all bars within the Vary Set.
  • G – Group Mark – (same as S unless you have aSa.Takeoff) assigns the Same Bar Mark to all bars within the Vary Set. In aSa.Takeoff it also groups the bars under one tag.