OpenBridge Modeler

Standard Baseplate - Data tab

Data base entries are saved for certain DIN shapes. If you have selected a shape having such entries, these will be displayed in this window. You can influence the selection by means of different selection criteria. Only data records corresponding to these criteria will be displayed.

Select a displayed data record by double-clicking on it. All data are set accordingly. Please note that only the plate dimensions and the inner drill holes are set. Other settings are not modified.

Column load in kN Enter the minimum load of supports which is known. The program searches the entries supporting this load or a higher load.
Hole Diameter Sets standardized drill hole diameter for anchor bolts, selected from the drop-down list.
Concrete Grade Sets the concrete grade of the elements. Specifies the Quality of concrete foundations.
(List Table) Displays the list of available base plates types. The possible connections filed in the database.