MineCycle Material Handling CONNECT Edition Help

Place Linear Stockpile

Last updated: December 26, 2018

Place Linear Stockpile creates bulk material storage elements which are associated with the terrain model or with existing site pads. Stockpiles are parametric in the creation and modification and are also dynamic during the placement. As stockpiles are associated with the terrain model or site pads, accurate volumes and weights are calculated and displayed.

A linear stockpile is the type of stockpile that is laid down by a rail mounted stacker.

See Stockpile Geometry and Material for descriptions of dialog options.

Create by: - Length, Width, Center

Allows creation of a linear stock pile on the terrain model or on an existing site pad automatically by specifying a placement point and an orientation.

  1. Select Place Linear Stockpile.
  2. Select Length, Width, Center from the Stockpile Geometry and Material – Create By Property field.
  3. Enter the dimensional parameters in the Length, Width and Height Property fields.
  4. Specify a data point on the terrain model or existing site pad to define the placement point of the stockpile. Using a plan view ensures accurate placement.
  5. Specify the orientation of the stockpile by dynamically entering a data point.
  6. Reset to complete.

Create by - Start, End, Width

Allows creation of a linear stockpile on the terrain model or on an existing site pad automatically by specifying a start point and an end point. Length and orientation are calculated from these two points.

  1. Select Place Linear Stockpile.
  2. Select Start, End, Width from the Geometry and Slopes – Create By property field.
  3. Enter dimensional parameters in the Width property fields.
  4. Specify a data point on terrain model or existing site pad to define the start point of the stockpile. Using a plan view ensures accurate placement.
  5. Specify a data point on the terrain model or existing site pad to define the end point of the stockpile.
  6. Reset to complete.

Tagging Properties

The Place Flat Top Stockpile dialog allows the naming of the stockpile. By default a name is generated but can be overwritten with any naming convention. Descriptions can also be entered.