MineCycle Material Handling CONNECT Edition Help

Place Trestle

Last updated: December 26, 2018

Creates trestle elements intended as conveyor support components. These are associated with the terrain model or with existing site pads. Stockpiles are parametric in the creation and modification and are also dynamic during the placement.

Place Trestle Workflow

  1. Select Place Trestle.
  2. Enter the dimensional parameters in the Side Angle and Upper Width property fields.
  3. Specify a data point on the terrain model or existing site pad to define the placement point of the trestle. Using an isometric view allows easy selection of the height.
  4. Specify the orientation of the trestle by dynamically entering a data point.
  5. Specify the height of the trestle by dynamically entering a data point.
  6. Reset to complete.

As trestles are created association to the terrain model or site pad can be set and elevation relative to this surface can be specified. This option allows the creation of trestles quickly and easily by just placing them at ground level by setting the Offset from DTM to 0.