MineCycle Material Handling CONNECT Edition Help

Place Pad - Geometry and Slopes

Last updated: December 26, 2018

Length/Width – Dimensional size of the site pad to be entered in meters.

Create By – Defines the method of site pad placement.

Elevation By – Constant – If Elevation By is set to Constant, the top of the site pad will be a constant distance above the origin (sea level) along the z-axis. For example, if the Elevation/Offset is set to 25m the pad will be at a fixed distance of 25m from 0 (sea level). If the placement point of the site pad on the terrain model is at an elevation of 20m then the site pad's elevation will be 5m above the terrain model since the elevation is taken from 0 and not from the terrain model.

Elevation By – Offset

If Elevation By is set to Offset, the top of the site pad will be an offset distance above the terrain model. For example if the terrain model is built to an elevation 20m on the z-axis and the Site Pad Elevation/Offset is set to 5m, the site pad created will have an elevation of 5m. The elevation is not taken from the sea level but from the placement point.

Elevation By – Minimum Vertices

The elevation is by offset and is calculated from the lowest triangulation vertex point in the terrain model which the site pad profile covers.

Elevation By – Maximum Vertices

The elevation is by offset and is calculated from the highest triangulation point in the terrain model which the pad profile covers.

Fill Slope

Slope of the site pad where fill is added.

Cut Slope

Slope of the site pad where terrain is removed.

Stroking Tolerance

Controls the accuracy of the mesh generated to represent the terrain model. The lower the number set for the Stroking Tolerance, the more triangles will be used to create the mesh.