MicroStation Readme

Defects Resolved in MicroStation 2024

Below is the list of issues resolved in MicroStation 2024.1 and 2024.

Table 1. Defects Fixed in 2024.1
Issue Number Description
1427074 Fixed issue with program hang-up after generate New Terrain with Bing Maps textures.
1427343 Fixed issue with [WMTS/UI] WMTS Editor Preview failing depending on layers selected on https://wxs.ign.fr/essentials/geoportal/wmts?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
1061230 Resolved issue with Place note - Text Style not maintained when selecting Dimension style issue
1061271 Fixed Text to Text Node Changes Line Spacing
1077849 Resolved issue with Include Cell Contents option ignored in Reports when using Fence or Selection
1104513 Fixed Attaching Near map imagery from WMTS tiled server location does not work for user`s Server URL.
1475270 Fixed broken web proxy authentication in MicroStation 2024 installation.
1478494 Fixed issue with placed 3D Graphic Cell (having Parametric Boolean Solid) shows Edit Handles considering Subtracted Solid
1480245 Resolved -Replace DependencyLinkage by XAttributes to store the frozen layer data
1481486 Resolved - COM Place Line sample is crashing when trying to set startPt.X = endPt.X
1481687 Fixed broke Links on API Documentation
1484369 Fixed issue with Clipped WMS WMTS raster appearing differently in MicroStation 2024.
1484971 Resolved - MicroStation crashes when we compress the file with DWG reference.
1489973 Fixed error while attempt to access ESRI Feature Service behind IDP
1493672 Fixed MicroStation 2024 is crash when opening DGN with specific XWMS files attached
1518609 Fixed SolidModification.py Sample code crashed with other file
1523687 Fixed struct DgnECRelationshipIterable error in iterator's wrapper code
1450753 Fixed Crash when selecting elements
1452539 Support WFS response page/response paging. Only 1000 features can be queried at a time.
1454605 Fixed issue with Raster Georeferencing: when *.prj is present for Tiff/Geotiff 'Raster cannot be read'.
1458251 Resolved -Editing scaled text node affects Tab and Indent spacing
1467888 Fixed crash while opening animation producer
1469094 Fixed issue with Saving in DWG format causes an error and crashes the application.
1472415 Resolved AutoCAD file not opening in MicroStation.
1472688 Fixed - click Mouse and ESC key may crash the MicroStation
1430944 Fixed crash while Selecting the Mesh in the attached DGN file
1436858 Fixed issue with Feature service layer that queries well in OpenCities Map returns zingers in MicroStation
1438625 Fixed issue with Layers only work with one of the proposed tile sets.
1438702 Fixed issue with ground extraction producing STM and point cloud on three different elevations
1443942 Resolved Item Type Lookup Latency Issue
1446967 Fixed issue with LAS to POD conversion losing extended classifications
1383629 Fixed issue with Reports not exporting all visible columns
1388720 Fixed issue with Raster Manager not displaying missing PDF raster attachments in red in DWG file.
1389693 Resolved error Creating File when export to DWG or save as DWG
1396313 Fixed issue with MicroStation becoming unresponsive or hanging while opening or importing the OBJ file.
1400680 Fixed issue with Reference display override settings not consistent
1400817 Resolved - Raster boundaries shift when clipped by element or fence
1404669 Fixed issue with Place table from fence not including all rows in report
1412399 Fixed issue with inability to add 3d concentric constraint to the referenced ACS axis and solid.
1414798 Fixed - Rotate ACS > AccuDraw compass should align with selected ACS Manipulator ring plane.
1420681 Fixed issue with wrong Text alignment for placed table from Excel file.
1420694 Fixed issue with Table cell showing wrong representation with decimal numbers.
1420717 Fixed issue with some values not retained from the Excel sheet.
1420730 Fixed issue with Values not getting placed correctly from Excel file.
1236084 Fixed issue with the Place Table tool not recognizing the seed file format of merged cells when using an excel file
1236388 Fixed issue with Place an excel table with seed, results, cells from the title row gets split into an individual cell.
1236416 Fixed issue with Table column formatting changed after placing an excel table with seed option.
1247455 Fixed issue with Refresh Table Report with transpose option resizes the table
1258033 Fixed issue with Text duplication when DWG file is opened in MicroStation
1315588 Resolved - Raster image from ArcGIS REST and WMS raster services not displaying due to Server Certificate issue. Display appropriate message
1326065 Fixed issue with WMTS not displaying correctly in Raster Manager
1339287 Fixed issue with Processing result of VBA method .GetTags() results in crash if executed from external process (Excel)
1344421 Fixed issue with Linetype generation (Region) is not displayed the same with AutoCAD.
1366081 Fixed issue with inability to open DWG file
1381275 Viewport display is not the same as in ACAD.
1381646 Fixed issue with MicroStation crashing when running the Report tool after file compression
716089 Fixed issue with update from library changes assigned text style to incorrect values
731693 Not able to connect User's server URL to attach WMTS.
801454 Resolved WMTS Not Working
958552 Fixed issue with inability to change Standards Source in Checker Settings from default Configured DgnLibs option
993156 Fixed issue with Raster Services not supporting brightness/contrast, transparency, invert, tint from raster manager.
653644 Resolved Dimension Styles dialog> 'Update from Library' tool not working.
654037 Fixed issue with Loft surface generated between Circle and Square shows twisted incorrect edges
654342 Fixed issue with Apostrophe character in folder names fails in MS_RFDIR and reference functions
657247 Fixed issue with Levels losing library provenance.
657409 Fixed issue with using Fence mode Inside when saving DGN to DWG ( or V8i ) omits Pattern elements
659606 Fixed issue with the Getmap request sent to server in MS, fails.
659886 Resolved MSTN not support Specific server.
660287 Fixed issue with Text shifting horizontally when using 'Set Element Elevation' tool.
660561 Fixed issue with 'Update from Library' not working on 'Text Style' set in Dimension style.
660919 Fixed issue with no VBA method to set active textstyle to "none"
Table 2. Defects Fixed in 2024
Issue Number Description
1343019 Fixed issue with empty Item Type property not evaluating for Text Favorite workflow
1344429 Fixed issue with external PDF attachments not displaying in DWG master file
1344533 Fixed issue with scalable Mesh upload failing after approximately 1 hour
1345342 Fixed issue with material attached to original Parametric Solid also seen on Copied Parametric Solid
1353118 Fixed issue with elements not visible while printing in Grayscale when Element override color in Display Style is set to 0
1355764 Fixed MicroStation crash while opening 3dm files.
1357465 Resolved issue with Parametric cells filter collapsing while no variations exist
1360871 Fixed issue with MS suddenly closing on performing clip operation
1361809 Fixed issue with XAMIS and XWMTS not displaying when changing reference scale or rotate values.
1369226 Fixed issue with WorkSpace switching to Active WorkSpace when filtering.
1369255 Resolved issue with Cut solid with a line profile shifting the resulting solids when Split Solid is turned on
1372482 Fixed issue with Convert 3mx to 3sm generating holes
1375182 Fixed issue with Cell in the attached DGN file hangs MicroStation with Export Visible edges
1375333 [WMS] Fixed the number of tiles to display increasing exponentially in perspective view.
1376543 Fixed the Edit Item command for Cell element crashing MicroStation
1377910 Fixed Modify empty 3SM terrain generation crash
1327803 Resolved issue with the Modify toolbox, where several tools removed vertexes from the Line String element.
1335075 Fixed crash when starting Standard Checker dialog after unloading and loading mvba files.
1335523 Fixed issue with reference taking more time to Reload modified reference
1337726 Resolved issue with reordering the sheets in the Sheet Index breaks the link of the sheets
1342836 Fixed issue with the cell level setting as default after eplacing parametric cells
1342839 Fixed issue with Parametric Cell Variables text and integer not assigning
753936 Fixed Record script with Render mode: Smooth with shadows caused missing elements
766072 Resolved issue with "local variables" created in previous versions of MicroStation CONNECT Edition were not seen
792516 Fixed - Less than 1 master unit cannot be applied as a feature parameter when the Design File format is MU:SU
800030 Resolved issue with WMS failing to display
654183 Fixed Ctrl + Tab button does not jump to next dialog box.
657617 Fixed issue with MicroStation not honoring DWG viewport color settings
657767 Fixed issue with Text Fields in shared cells do not automatically update when placed.
658375 Fixed issue with Using mdlDialog_itemSetValue to change ToggleButton state removing label text temporary
658453 Fixed V8i Task theme list appearing blank
658901 Fixed issue with unable to use a UNC path with the -WR switch in MS_PLT_ENGINE_CMDLINE_ARG variable
659310 Fixed issue with "Maximum dependency callback iterations exceeded" message displaying when appling variations/place parametric cell/move cells.
659948 Fixed issue with Placing Table from excel spread sheet showing hidden rows
660101 Fixed issue with Table column headings not updating instantly following Table Refresh if column width is altered in Excel
660378 Fixed DWG Text Background Mask not honored
660582 Fixed issue with Editing scaled text node affecting Tab and Indent spacing
660649 Fixed issue with Place text along element working differently in MSCE and v8i
660950 Fixed issue with the Text Editor dialog loosing scroll bar when resized to show less than 4 lines of text
999428 Fixed Save multiple images dialog fails for Spanish language pack
1026296 Fixed WMS - need to refresh view after pan view.
1028609 Fixed issue with Item Type property that uses LookUp table for assigned value not using the last valid value if the Key Column Value does not exist
1056033 Fixed issue with Text Node in Cell moving to location a long distance away when performing a Drop Element command
1061401 Fixed issue with High Contrast Mode causing MicroStation to crash in backstage
1065089 Fixed distorted display of material patterns contained in scaled reference
1073880 Fixed issue with any changes to the Sheet Set structure causing all files in index to be checked out.
1080635 Resolved The following WMS URL displaying camera with red cross
1092119 Improved performance with Drop shared cells taking over 25 minutes
1093650 Resolved [3SM] .XYZ point file import with operation failed message.
1093669 Resolved issue with [3SM] Texture incorrect while generating a 3SM with specific DGN/Coordinate System.
1098421 Fixed incorrect positioning of referenced raster using Geographic Reprojected alignment
1235655 Fixed issue with WMS from user not loading in MSTN though it shows preview in WMS map editor.
1237410 Resolved Text Editor- Performance issue on entering large texts.
1245940 Fixed Memory leak in display/ view operations on reality mesh from contextshare browser
1247425 Fixed Parametric Cell Placement Points offset when placed in file with different working units(resolution setting).
1269786 Resolved crash with Element Templates with Cell
1270366 Fixed User`s WMS - ULRs not working in MicroStation.
1274786 Resolved Table border not visible after creating Table style.
1278255 Resloved Excel Table Seed Not Honored Using Refresh Table Tool
1415785 Fixed Modify.ChamferEdges bug in .NET library
1416035 Fixed issue with Copy Feature (Copy Method : To Other Solid) Copied Feature (Polar Array) showing incorrect Array PCD (Pitch Circle Diameter) when solid to copy feature is 'copied and revived'
1417094 Resolved Rotate ACS > widget X and Y axis rings to be disable in 2D file.
1418003 Fixed issue with 3sm Source Editor, when adding a new source reset the "Merge" state.
1419353 Fixed issue with Copy Feature (Copy Method : To Other Solid) AccuDraw compass not relocating automatically on selected face of the destination solid.
1419462 With crash with Rotate ACS when preference 'Viewing Tools Apply to Active View' is turned off
1419750 Fixed exception occuring when 3sm sources are grouped.
1420490 Fixed crash with generate mesh after Modify Breaklines.
1426653 Fixed crash when using Batch process to rename models
1381641 Fixed crash when accessing specific reports
1381905 Fixed issue when multiple references are selected that have one or more attached references display turned off, the manipulation tools in the Reference dialog are disabled.
1382215 Fixed issue with attaching raster defaulting to 'legacy' GCS
1386298 Fixed the DPI property value for specific raster not appearing correctly in MicroStation Connect Edition.
1387752 Fixed Esri Feature - Request to support spatial reference description without EPSG mention.
1389294 Fixed key-in LEVEL FILTER SET NAME with space in name and filter name not working.
1397975 Fixed error while adding a WMS Server
1398184 Resolved section preserve scale not working
1399787 Resolved issue with Multiple Dgnlibs with same line style definitions then showing multiple entries while Using it in New session with new file.
1400308 Fixed exit when entering a dash character "-".
1405582 Fixed issue with the Element Templates dialog box and attribute drop-down list not updating when created from a geospatial service or shapefile (SHP).
1405691 Fixed crash while creating point symbol in attache rsc file.
1406531 Fixed crash when opening specific DWG files or when attaching them as references
1309265 Resolved issue with file with attached ECW rasters not opening in MicroStation when configuration variable MS_GEOCOORDINATE_FAVORITESFILES & MS_GEOCOORDINATE_USERLIBRARIES is defined at server location
1323143 Fixed crash with MicroStation when Pattern is turned on in attached dgn file.
664338 Added support for Dutch RD NTv2 grid shift file (rdtrans2008.gsb)