MicroStation PowerDraft CONNECT Edition Help

New and Changed in MicroStation PowerDraft CONNECT Edition Update 16

This topic summarizes the new features and enhancements in MicroStation PowerDraft CONNECT Edition Update 16.

Ability to assign a unique name to Tables

You can now define a unique table name and table description for each table. This name will display in the Description section of the Properties Dialog.

Ability to define a Grid Shift file for a user defined Datum

You can now specify a Grid Shift file for a custom datum. You can select the method as Grid Shift Files and specify a desired grid shift file name in the Edit Datum Properties dialog.

Ability to modify the design model with new option in the Synchronize View

You can now modify and use the View Attribute settings of View 1 and copy it to all the design models by setting the Synchronize View to Settings from Design Model in the Set Reference Presentation tool.

Ability to remove an item from the recently used list in the Ribbon Search

You can now remove any items from the Most Recently Used list in the Ribbon Search drop-down menu, using the corresponding remove icon.

Ability to search for a Picklist value in the Attach Item dialog

You can now search for a picklist value in the Attach Item Dialog from the search drop-down in the Properties section. You can also search for a value by name in the search box or choose values from the list.

Ability to control the size of Text Subscript and Superscript using Key-ins

You can use the following key-ins to adjust the size of subscript and superscript text in custom Text Styles:



Ability to execute MicroStation PowerDraft Startup Scripts

You can now execute the start up script in the command queue on startup with the help of Execute Startup Script button in the Preferences Dialog, Operations Category.
Note: This setting is disabled by default. You must enable this setting if you wish to save multiple images using Distributed Rendering.

Ability to select an element and view its properties in Text Favorite Manager with Select Element

You can now select an element and view its properties with the Select Element button newly added in the Text Favorite Manager.

One Configuration

As a user or an organization working on a project using multiple Bentley products, you can now manage your project standards with One Configuration. There will now be a single configuration folder shared by the different products. Individual products will however have the ability to extend the configuration and resource files (for example .cfg, .cells, .dgnlibs, etc.). One Configuration will NOT disrupt your current CONNECT Configurations. One Configuration will simply align the configuration of different Bentley products to avoid conflicts. One Configuration works with WorkSpaces utilizing Configuration Sets that use various combinations of standards to meet your organization's needs. These Configuration Sets can be easily adopted by other organizations that you work with.

RealDWG 2022 Support

MicroStation PowerDraft CONNECT Edition is now updated to support RealDWG 2022, the latest RealDWG engine for best compatibility.


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Deprecated Features

CONNECT Advisor - The CONNECT Advisor's features will be combined with CONNECTION Client.

iTwin Synchronizer

iTwin Design Review

Features Moved from Technology Preview to Commercial Release

The following features that were available as Technology Preview in previous updates, have been commercially released in this update: