MicroStation Help

Save As Dialog

Used to save a copy of the design file with a different name, in a different directory, on a different disk, or in a different file format. If just a different name is chosen, the copy becomes the active design file.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: File > Save As

Key-in: BACKUP [ file_specification ] Key-in: DIALOG SAVEAS
Note: The BACKUP key-in is used to save a backup copy of the open DGN file to the directory entered as the file specification. If no file specification is included, the BAK file is saved to the directory specified by MS_BACKUP.
Save in Displays the path of current directory.
List box Lists the names of the existing files in the directory.

Different systems allow different numbers of characters in filenames. Some systems are case-sensitive (they differentiate between upper and lower case), others are not. If portability between different systems is a concern, filenames with a maximum of eight characters all in the same case are recommended.

When a design file with an extension other than DGN is saved to DWG, MicroStation always automatically appends the extension to the output filename, to differentiate it from other design files with the same name but different extensions. For example, if sample.s01 is saved to DWG, then the output file is named sample_s01.DWG.

In previous versions, this naming convention was only used if more than one file with the same name was present in the same directory. For example, if the directory contained both sample.s01 and sample.s02, then the extension would be included in the output filenames (sample_s01.dwg and sample_s02.dwg). If the directory does not include any files with duplicate names, then the extensions would not be included in the output names. For example, if the directory contained only file sample.s02, this file would be saved to sample.dwg. To use this naming convention, set the configuration variable MS_DWGOMITUNIQUEEXTENSION.

File name Sets the name of the design file you want to save.
Save as type Sets the type of file format. If the active file is an overlay file, the save as option is set to Overlay Files (*.overlay.dgn) and cannot be changed. If the active file is a DGNLib file, this option is set to DGN Library Files (*.dgnlib) and cannot be changed. The open design file is saved to this format.
  • MicroStation V8 DGN Files (".dgn.") save as ".dgn".
  • Autodesk(R) Drawing Files (".dwg.") save as ".dwg".
  • Autodesk(R) DXF Files (".dxf.") save as ".dxf".
  • DGN Library Files (".dgnlib.") save as ".dgnlib".
  • Redline Files (".rdl.") save as ".rdl".
Directory > Select Configuration Variable Opens the Select Configuration Variable dialog. Use this dialog to change the directory of files listed in the list box by selecting a configuration variable whose definition points to a different directory.

  • List box — Lists path and directory configuration variables for selection.
  • OK — Accepts the selected configuration variable and closes the dialog. The directory whose files are listed in the Files list box changes to the directory specified in the configuration variable definition.
  • Cancel — Closes the dialog without changing the directory.
Note: If the preference Use Windows file open is off, the Select Configuration Variable option is opened through the Directory menu.
Directory > directory history Lists the directories that were most recently opened. The desired directory can be chosen from the menu.
Note: If the preference Use Windows file open is off, the directory history is opened through the Directory menu.
Options Opens the Options dialog for the type of file that you chose from the Save as type option menu:
Save Saves the selected file.

If a design file is already active, it is closed before the new design file is saved.

New Folder Creates a new folder with an editable name field.
Change your view Allows you to select how to display the files in the directory.
  • Extra large icons
  • Large icons
  • Medium icons
  • Small icons
  • List — Shows a list of the files in the directory.
  • Details — Allows you to select what details you want to display for the files listed.
  • Tiles — Displays the file by name, type and size of file.