MicroStation Help

Reality Mesh Attachments Dialog

Used to attach and manipulate reality meshes. Used to view reality mesh attachments.

Note: The Reality Mesh Classification feature is in Technology Preview mode. With this feature, you can spatially classify reality meshes so as to be classified by and associated to design or GIS data. The lower section of this dialog containing Attach Reality Mesh Classifier, Detach Reality Mesh Classifier, and Select Reality Mesh Classifier tools, along with and the list box at the bottom are part of this Technology Preview feature.
You can open this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Home > Primary > Attach Tools > Reality Mesh
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Home > Primary > Attach Tools > Reality Mesh
  • Ribbon: Visualization > Home > Primary > Attach Tools > Reality Mesh
  • Ribbon: Admin > Home > Primary > Attach Tools > Reality Mesh
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Attach > Reality Mesh dialog launcher

Show Hierarchy

When on, displays a tree that shows the active file and references that are directly attached to it. When the tree is turned off, you can use the arrow button next to the Show Hierarchy icon to list the active file and any references that are directly attached to it.
Attach Reality Mesh

Opens the Attach Reality Mesh dialog from where you can attach a reality mesh by either entering the URL or browsing to a reality mesh file.
Detach Reality Mesh
Detaches the selected reality mesh.
(Technology Preview) 3SM Clip Tool

Opens the 3SM Clip Tool dialog from where you can clip or mask a reality mesh using various.
Note: You can use this tool only on .3sm formatted reality mesh files.
Clip Reality Mesh

Clips a reality mesh to the interior of an existing element.
Mask Reality Mesh

Covers a portion of a reference that is inside a boundary.
Split Reality Mesh

Splits a reality mesh into two meshes representing interior and exterior of an existing element.
Delete Clip
Deletes one or more clips.
Hilite Mode Controls whether the selected references are highlighted and surrounded by a border.
  • None - Selected references are not highlighted in any way.
  • Boundaries - Places a dashed border around selected references.
Reality Mesh Attachment upper list box Lists the reality mesh attachments for the current model. For each reference, the following columns are displayed by default:
  • File Name - The file name for the reality mesh attachment.
  • Active Classifier - The name of the Active Classifier (or none).
  • Export Resolution - Controls the resolution when the reality mesh is exported.
  • Transparency (icon) - Sets the degree of transparency to be applied to the reality mesh.
  • Display (icon) - If off, omits the reality mesh display in all views.
  • Snap (icon) - If off, makes the reality mesh unsnappable.
  • Locate (icon) - If off, makes the reality mesh not locatable by tools.
All the entries in this list are editable. For example, double-click on the File Name entry to select an alternate reality mesh file.
Attach Reality Mesh Classifier

Starts the Attach Classifier to Reality Mesh tool. It is used to attach a new classification to the selected reality mesh by selecting any element within the classification.
Detach Reality Mesh Classifier

Detaches the selected reality mesh classifier.
Select Reality Mesh Classifier

Allows selection of the classification boundaries by picking the reality mesh directly. As the cursor is moved over the reality mesh, the reality mesh volumes are flashed to indicate the current classification contents. Entering a data point selects the indicated classification boundary element. Entering reset removes the last selection and a data point with the <Ctrl> key adds a classification boundary to the existing selection.
Reality Mesh lower list box Lists the classifiers for the selected reality mesh.
  • Name - The classification name. This can be any unique value describing the classification.
  • Target - The classification target: Model, Level, Named Group, or Element.
  • Margin - The Margin distance specifies a distance to expand (if positive) or reduce (if negative) the classification boundary. For certain boundaries, such as building footprints that may lie directly on the edge of the enclosed volume, specifying a small margin value can avoid undesirable clipping at the boundary edge. A negative margin distance will omit a small volume between adjacent boundaries.
  • Inside - Controls the display mode for reality mesh inside classification boundary. Options are On, Off, Dimmed, Hilite, and From Element. If set to From Element, the symbology of the inside classification boundary is derived from the symbology of the element in the source model.
  • Outside - Controls the display mode for reality mesh outside classification boundaries. Options are On, Off, Dimmed, and Hilite.
  • Selected - Controls the display mode for reality mesh elements inside selected classification boundaries. Options are On, Off, Dimmed, and Hilite.
Note: For classifications with many elements, displaying the Inside and Outside geometry separately can slow display performance. In order to maintain acceptable display speed, the ranges rather than actual boundaries may be used or the separated display may be omitted entirely.
Tools > Attach Opens the Attach Reality Mesh dialog from where you can attach a reality mesh by either entering the URL or browsing to a reality mesh file.
Tools > Detach Detaches the selected reality mesh attachment.
Tools > Detach All Detaches all the reality mesh attachments.
Tools > Clip Clips a reality mesh to the interior of an existing element.
Tool > Mask Covers a portion of a reference that is inside a boundary.
Tools > Split Splits a reality mesh into two meshes representing interior and exterior of an existing element.
Tools > Remove Clipping Deletes one or more clips.
Tools > Attach Classifier Starts the Attach Classifier to Reality Mesh tool. It is used to attach a new classification to the selected reality mesh by selecting any element within the classification.
Tools > Detach Classifier Detaches the selected reality mesh classifier.
Tools > Detach All Classifiers Detaches all the reality mesh classifiers.
Tools > Select Classifier Allows selection of the classification boundaries by picking the reality mesh directly. As the cursor is moved over the reality mesh, the reality mesh volumes are flashed to indicate the current classification contents. Entering a data point selects the indicated classification boundary element. Entering reset removes the last selection and a data point with the <Ctrl> key adds a classification boundary to the existing selection.