MicroStation Help

Place Table

Used to place a table in the model.

You can access this tool from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Annotate > Table
  • Explorer dialog Sheet Index tab: Place Sheet Index as a table
  • Reports dialog: Place as table
Empty table
Lets you place an empty table.
From report
Lets you place a table from a report definition.
From file

Lets you place a table using the data in an excel workbook or .csv file.

Note: When placing a table from Excel, if the fonts used in Excel are not available in MicroStation, default font will be used, and a warning message will be displayed in the message center.

Lets you select a seed for the table. If you select to place a table from a Microsoft Excel file, you get an option "From Excel" in this drop-down list. If you select it, MicroStation attempts to preserve the formatting such as colors, borders, text direction, text justification, fonts, font styles, font sizes, row/column/cell sizes, and cell margins. If you select "Model" from the drop-down list, MicroStation will inherit the seed selected in the DGN.

Default option in the drop-down is "None".

Annotation Scale

Sets the Annotation Scale Lock. When this lock is on, the annotation scale is applied to the table and text within the table.

By default, the annotation scale is taken from the model's Annotation Scale setting. You can change it only in the model's properties in the Properties dialog. The exception is when the model's Propagate Annotation Scale property is off. In that case, the annotation scale can be controlled independently for each element via its properties.

Table Style A Table Style comprises of a number of table styling attributes that defines a tables appearance. Table Styles are designed to capture the symbology and styling attributes of an existing Table, so that this can be applied to other tables when being placed or from Properties dialog.
Text Style (Available only when Seed is set to None) Sets the active text style from a list of all available text styles. Clicking Browse opens the Text Styles dialog in which you can create and modify text styles.
Active Angle Sets the angle, in degrees, at which table is placed.
Row Count Sets the number of rows in the table.
Column Count Sets the number of columns in the table.
Report (Available only when From report is selected) Places the selected report as a table. Clicking Browse opens the Reports dialog in which you can create and manage reports and report definitions.
File Name (Available only when From file is selected) Lets you select a file from which you want to place a table. Click Browse to open the File Open dialog and select the desired file from which the table is to be placed. If you select a Microsoft Excel workbook, then the Select Cells dialog opens, in which you can select the worksheet and cell range.

The Select Cells dialog has the following options:

  • Worksheet - Lists the worksheets in the selected excel workbook.
  • Range - Allows you to select the cell range of the file that will be placed as a table. If set to Automatic, selects the range of cells which Microsoft Excel considers to be the "used area" of the sheet. It is usually a rectangle containing all non-empty cells, or cells which have otherwise been modified by the user, such as by resizing the rows or columns. If set to Manual, allows you to select the range of cells in the From and To fields. Named ranges are also supported.
  • From - If Range is set to Manual, allows you to enter the start of the cell range.
  • To - If Range is set to Manual, allows you to enter the end of the cell range.
Worksheet (Available only when you select an excel workbook in the File Name setting) Lists the worksheets in the selected excel workbook.
Range (Available only when you select an excel workbook in the File Name setting) Displays the cell range of the file that will be placed as a table.
Contains Title Row (Available only when From file is selected) If on, places the first row as a title row.
Contains Header Row (Available only when From file is selected) If on, places the second row as a header row.
Retain Association (Available only when From report or From file is selected) If on, the association with the report or external file from which the table is placed is retained. In such a case, if there are any changes in the report definition or the file, you can refresh the table to get the changes.
- launches the Place Table tool in Empty table mode.
Key-in: PLACE TABLE EMPTY [ row_count ] [ column_count ]
- launches the Place Table tool in Empty table mode with the row count and column count displayed in the respective fields.
Key-in: PLACE TABLE REPORT [ category_name ] [ report_name ]
- launches the Place Table tool in the From report mode. If category name and report name do not resolve to an existing report, the tool starts in report mode with Report set to None.
Key-in: PLACE TABLE FILE [ file ] [ worksheet ] [ range ]
- launches the Place Table tool in the From file mode. If the file that includes the file path is invalid, the tool starts in From file mode with file set to None. If file is a CSV file, then worksheet and Range are ignored. If file is an Excel file and worksheet is missing or invalid, the default worksheet is selected. If file is an Excel file and range is missing or invalid, populated range is used. Named ranges are supported. Standard range format like A1:D5 is also supported.