MicroStation Help

Raster Configuration Variables

MicroStation includes configuration variables to help set up all aspects of the rasters.

The following table lists the configuration variables that affect Raster files. Each configuration variable expects a valid value. An invalid value will not override a setting. You do not need to close and restart in order for the configuration variable change to take effect.

Variable Short name Description
MS_RASTER_IMG_STRETCH Set contrast stretch filtering Specifies a contrast stretch filtering to be applied to any Erdas IMG file whose detected pixel type is grayscale 8 bits, RBG 24 bits or RGBA 32 bits. Possible values are as follows :

1 or 0


0 : No contrast stretch is applied.

1 : A contrast stretch filtering is applied before displaying the image.

MS_RASTER_IMG_CHANNELS Set band to channel mapping for IMG file format Sets the band number to use for Red, Green, Blue and Alpha channels when a file whose format is IMG is attached. The ‘0’ value can be set for the Alpha channel if none is required. When this variable is defined, all attached Erdas IMG rasters will use the same band order. The default value is: MS_RASTER_IMG_CHANNELS 1 2 3 4.
MS_RASTER_DISABLE_IPPCONNECTION Disable default server port If undefined, the default socket server port 1924 is used.

If defined, the socket port 1924 is ignored.

MS_RASTER_VIEWSAVEASDWG Define view for DWG file When exporting to DWG, controls whether the raster is displayed.

If set to 0 or undefined, the raster is displayed in View 1.

If set to 1 to 8, the raster is displayed in the specified view.

If set to 9, the raster is displayed in at least one view.

If set to 10, the raster is displayed in all views.

MS_RASTER_COMMONGEOREFFILEFORMATS Set default 'Common Geo Ref Raster Formats' file filter for the Open dialog Sets the extension(s) of the file formats to use as the default "Common Geo Ref Raster Formats" file filter for the Open dialogs. Use a semicolon to separate file extensions. Do not add a semicolon to the end of the list. For example: *.hmr;*.iTiff;*.tiff
MS_RASTER_COMMONFILEFORMATS Set default 'Common Raster Formats' file filter for the Open dialog Sets the extension(s) of the file formats to use as the default “Common Raster Formats” file filter for the Open dialogs. Use a semicolon to separate file extensions. Do not add a semicolon to the end of the list. For example: *.hmr;*.iTiff;*.tiff
MS_RASTER_TIFFINVERT Invert monochrome tiff If defined and set to a non-zero value, inverts the foreground/background color allocation of monochrome tiff files when the raster is attached.
MS_RASTER_SAVEAUTO Set Automatic Save mode Enables Raster Manager Automatic Save mode when closing a DGN or detaching a raster.

If undefined or set to 0, Save Auto is off.

If set to 1, Save Auto is enabled and the user will not be prompted to update the raster for changes made to the location info of the file.

MS_RASTER_NOSHARING Creating .sharing.tmp files Manages the automatic creation of .sharing.tmp files for concurrent access of the same raster file by various instances of MicroStation. If undefined or set to 0, .sharing.tmp files are generated.

If set to 1, .sharing.tmp file generation is off.

MS_RASTER_NO_DETACH_CONFIRM Display alert dialog upon raster If set to 0, displays an alert dialog asking to confirm the raster detachment. If undefined or set to 1, does not display the alert dialog.
MS_RASTER_EPSGTABLE_PATH Set path to EPSG table Enables geotiff positioning using the location parameters found in ASCII files provided on request.

The required ASCII files are:

  • CoordSysData.txt
  • ProjectionData.txt
  • UnitsData.txt

If undefined or set to 0, hard-coded tables are used.

If set to 1, ASCII files are used.

MS_RASTER_DEFAULTSISTER Set default sister file If set to 0 or 1, HGR is the default sister file.

If set to 2, WorldFile is the default sister file.

MS_RASTER_DEFAULTSCALE Set default scale If undefined, or if defined and set to 1, a non-georeferenced raster that is attached without the use of the Place Interactively check box is assigned a scale of 1. The pixel size is derived from the scale and DPI.

If defined and set to a value greater than 1, a non-georeferenced raster that is attached without the use of the Place Interactively check box is assigned a scale equal to the value of MS_RASTER_DEFAULTSCALE. The pixel size is derived from the scale and DPI.

MS_RASTER_1BIT_WORKMODE Harmonize monochrome raster display If defined and set to 1, harmonizes monochrome raster display so they are handled like raster reference attachments.

If undefined or set to 0, has no effect.

MS_RASTER_DEFAULT_LEVEL Set default display level Defines the level for raster elements when upgrading to MicroStation 2024. The value is the LevelName.
MS_RASTER_TRANSPARENCY Set transparency If defined and set to 1, Raster Manager sets the background transparency value, as specified in the Raster Manager Transparency dialog. Possible values are 0 to 255, where 255 is 100% transparency.

If undefined or set to 0, has no effect.