MicroStation Help

Save As DWG/DXF Options Dialog, General Tab, Cells

Used to set options for saving cells to DWG and DXF files. Opens when you select File > Save As, select Autodesk(R) Drawing Files (*.dwg) from the Save as Type list, and click the Options button.

Other groups of options under the General tab include:

Save As DWG/DXF Options General tab, Cells options

Create Single Block for Duplicated Cells If on, saves duplicate unshared cells to a single block with multiple block references. For example, five unshared copies of a cell would be saved to a single block with five block references. To optimize the DWG file size, leave this setting on (the default).

If off, each duplicate unshared cell is saved to a single block and single block reference. In this case, five copies of a cell would be saved to five blocks, each with a single block reference.

Note: DWG files do not support unshared MicroStation cells.
Create Scaled Blocks If on, creates scaled block references within the DWG file. If off, the software creates only unscaled block references (scale = 1.0).
Set Block Units From File Units If on, new blocks created from MicroStation will have their INSUNITS set based source file or model units, which may be controlled by the Units drop-down list in Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog, Basic section. When an explicit units option is selected, all blocks will have that units set. However, when either Master Units or Sub Units option is selected in the Units drop-down list, the block units will come from their source files or models. For shared cell definitions, block units are set from the default model. Normal cells will have their units set from the units of their source models. An externally attached reference file will have a block with its units set from the model that is attached. A block that is merged from a reference attachment, however, will have its units from the model into which it is merged.

This option does not have visual impact on the DWG file created from MicroStation. Blocks will have identical size in either case. The only impact this setting may have is on the Design Center of AutoCAD. In AutoCAD, when a unitless block is inserted, its scale depends on two user preference settings, INSUNITSDEFTARGET and INSUNITSDEFSOURCE. When they are different than the active file's INSUNITS, the scale may be incorrect. Setting block units will help AutoCAD's users to not depend on these settings and can insert blocks with desired scales.

The setting is off by default. When off, blocks created from MicroStation will have their INSUNITS as Unitless.

Create Block Entities with "By Block" Properties Specifies that when cells are saved to blocks in the DWG file, the properties for block entities (elements in a cell) are set to ByBlock. These options only apply if all block entities (elements) have the same value for a given property.

In DWG format, any entity can have its level, color, line style, or line weight property set to ByBlock (the ByCell setting in MicroStation). If the entity becomes part of a block and the block is inserted into a drawing, the entities in the block inherit the current property settings.

For example, when a DGN file is saved to DWG, a cell with three red elements becomes a block with three block entities. When this option is on, the color property for each of these entities is set to ByBlock. Each time the block is inserted into a drawing in AutoCAD, the block entities inherit the current color setting.

A disadvantage of using ByBlock properties is that you cannot change the property values once the block is inserted into a DWG file.

  • Level (Layer 0) — Sets the level property for entities in blocks to ByBlock.
  • Color — Sets the Color property for entities in blocks to ByBlock.
  • Line Style — Sets the Line Style property for entities in blocks to ByBlock.
  • Line Weight — Sets the Line Weight property for entities in blocks to ByBlock.
Insert Layer for Normal Cells Sets the level to be used for shared cell instances that are created from normal cells.

If off, when a normal cell is converted to a DWG block (shared cell), the shared cell instance is placed on the level of the first graphical element in the cell. However, if there you do not have a valid graphical element or if the level of the first graphical element in the cell is turned off, the shared cell instance is placed on the "Default" Level.