MicroStation Help

To Place the Item Type Text with Formatting

An option, Add Text Formatting, is provided to allow the formatting of Item Type text. This functionality is the same as text formatting done in the Text Editor.

  1. Launch the Item Type dialog box (Drawing>Attach Item>Item Types).
  2. Select the item type, for example, Door.
  3. Right-click Property Definition and select Add Text Formatting.
  4. Add the desired text format available (Format options are the same as those in the Text Editor).

    Likewise, for number formatting, add the desired format as shown in figure below.

  5. Save the changes.

    To remove any formatting, right-click and click Remove text formatting.

  6. Now, follow the steps below to Place the item-type text with formatting.
    1. Launch Attach Item dialog (Drawing>Attach>Attach Item).
    2. Select the Item Type for which you have added text formatting.
    3. Modify desired property values.
    4. Enable the text placement for the desired properties.
    5. Place the text in the design.
Item Type text gets placed with applied text formatting.
This type of text formatting can be applied only by using the Edit Item dialog, Attach Item dialog, and Clone Items tool.
Note: This text formatting applies only for Item Type Text and not for any other property viewer.