MicroStation Help

ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map Service Manager Dialog

Used to select and manage ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map servers.

Opens when you click the Services (selection) button in the Esri ArcGIS (TM) REST Map and Image Services - Creating a New Map dialog .

When the Map Editor opens a dialog box for the first time, it retrieves the value of the configuration variables to obtain the name of the file containing the list of servers. These three variables corresponding to the level of configuration defintion: MS_AMIS_SERVERS_ORGANIZATION, MS_AMIS_SERVERS_WORKSPACE and MS_AMIS_SERVERS_WORKSET.

Add New Service URL

Opens the Create Server Definition dialog allowing the user to add a new ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map server to the list.
Edit Service Definition

Opens the Edit Service Definition dialog allowing the user to edit the ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map server URL.
Delete URL

Use to delete the selected server entry.
Toggle Favorite Status

Use to mark a server as Favorite. Servers marked as Favorite appear at the Service URL drop-down.
Connection Name Displays the name of the connections of the entered ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map URLs.
URL Displays the list of ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map server URLs. Double-click on a server entry to connect to the server. If the user clicks on any of the column headers, the Service Manager sorts the list by that column. If the user selects another column header, then the selected column is used as the top criterion and the previous selection is used as the second.

A right-click menu allows the following actions:

  • Add New Service URL — opens the Create Server Definition dialog allowing the user to add a new ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map server to the list
  • Edit Service Definition — opens the Edit Service Definition dialog allowing the user to edit the ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map server URL
  • Delete URL — use to delete the selected server entry
  • Toggle Favorite Status — use to mark a server as Favorite
Scope Displays the scope that the user selects in the Create Service Definition dialog from the three options provided, that are, Organization, WorkSpace and WorkSet.
Close Closes the ESRI ArcGIS (TM) Map Service Manager dialog.