MicroStation Help

Preview Dialog

Used to preview the results of the report. You can preview reports for multiple Report Definitions in a single dialog under separate tabs.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Analyze > Reports > Report Definition > Preview Results
You can also access this from the Reset pop-up menu for the desired Report Definition.
Tabs Displays the names of the selected Report Definition.

Updates any changes made to the Report Definition.
View properties of selected item(s)

Opens the Properties pane by clicking on it. You can review or modify the properties of the selected item.
Total Results: Displays the number of rows for the selected Report Definition.
Report Path Displays the path of the report preview for the selected Report Definition.
Columns Displays the name of the columns added to the selected Report Definition. You can drag the column and drop by the desired column.
Name of Properties Displays the name of the properties you selected for a particular object in the Reports dialog. You can click on the desired name of the property to sort the rows in alphabetic or ascending order.

Filters the column with desired values and a combination of values listed. Clicking on this opens a window to select the desired combination of values.