MicroStation Help

Configuration Changes During MicroStation Execution

Whenever a different WorkSet is selected, MicroStation takes the following Configuration Variable actions:
  • If the WorkSet belongs to a WorkSpace that is different from the WorkSpace to which the currently active WorkSet belongs, all WorkSpace level Configuration Variables are discarded.
  • All WorkSet level Configuration Variables are discarded.
  • If the WorkSet belongs to a different WorkSpace, that WorkSpace's Configuration Files are processed.
  • The WorkSet Configuration Files are processed.
  • The new WorkSpace and WorkSet are written to the user's Personal.ucf file.
A different WorkSet can be selected in a number of ways:
  • From File > Open > Browse, a different WorkSpace / WorkSet can be selected in the File Open dialog.
  • From the Work page, a different WorkSpace / WorkSet can be selected either directly or by selecting one of the recent WorkSets.
  • In MicroStation 2024, the design files have their WorkSpace / WorkSet recorded in their metadata. When a design file with such metadata is opened, and it is from a different WorkSet, the user can opt to change to the WorkSpace / WorkSet recorded in its metadata.
  • Using the -WW<workset> command line argument when starting MicroStation.