MicroStation Help

Attach Item to file, model, or reference from Explorer Dialog

Used to attach Item Type information to a file, model, or references from the Explorer dialog.

You can access the Attach Item tool setting window by Right-clicking on the desired file, model, or reference from the Explorer Dialog and selecting Attach Item.

Item Type Select an item type(s) from the drop-down list. Item(s) of the selected item type is attached.
Search Allows you to search a property by name.
Show/Hide All Properties as Text

Allows you to Show or Hide the Item type properties as text. You can select this icon next to Search to apply the setting to all properties. You can select this icon next to each property to selectively apply this setting to each property.
The property definition placed as a text will maintain an association with the element. When this element is selected, the text property displays as a Text Node in the Properties dialog. If you move or delete the element, the associated text will also move or get deleted.

Note: The Item Type text will be placed with respect to the view orientation.
Properties list Displays the properties of the selected item type. You can edit the values of the properties here and these edited values will be stored in the attached item.
Text Style Allows you to select a text style to set.
Annotation Scale Lock

Allows you to change the annotation scale on the Item Type text field. This lock is synchronized with the icon in the Locks dialog Box and under the Utilities Tab. If you turn ON/OFF the Annotation Scale Lock in either of the three (Attach item dialog box, Locks Dialog box, and Utilities tab), it will reflect in all these three places.
Level Drop-down Allows you to place Item Type Text on selected level from drop-down menu. You will see all the levels available in the DGN in this drop-down, along with options like Active level and Match Element Level. Active Level lets you place the text on the active level in the DGN. With Match Element Level, you can place the text on the same level as the element. You no longer have to activate the level in the level manager to place the text. This will save time while placing the Item Type text. The Default level shown here is the default level from the level manager.
Single/Separate Text Node for all properties

Allows you to select the text node type as a Single Text Node or Separate Text Node to place the Item type text. By default, the toggle is set to Single Text Node for all properties.
Attach / Place Text
  • Attach: Allows you to attach the Item Type Properties as text in the design.

  • Place Text: Allows you to place the Item Type Properties as text in the design when no text is placed from the selected properties(Available when the Display Text toggle is ON).

Cancel Exits the dialog without saving any changes made.

The properties of the selected item type are displayed below the Search field. You can edit the values of the properties here and these edited values will be stored in the attached item.