MicroStation Help

iTwin Synchronizer Prerequisites

To be able to synchronize data to the iModelHub you will need to install the iTwin Synchronizer desktop application on your machine. You must be added to an iTwin Project, by the Project Administrator or Team Coordinator who has access to "Product Settings Service > Manage Settings" in the CONNECT portal. There should be iModel(s) created in the iModelHub and Synchronizations created by the team coordinator, for your project to which you can push your changes.

To be a Team Coordinator you must have the "Product Settings Service > Manage Settings" enabled in the CONNECT portal for your profile. Your organization's IMS (Identity Management Service) administrator can grant you this permission. You must also have access to iModelHub.

The following RBAC permissions are required for a user to synchronize Design and Reality Modeling data:
  • To Create an iModel Bridge Synchronization:
    • Product Settings > Manage Settings
  • To Publish a DGN to iModelHub:
    • iModelHub > Modify iModel
  • To Publish reality data to Reality Management:
    • Reality Management > Create
  • To Create an iModel on the iModelHub:
    • iModelHub > Create iModel

You can read more on RBAC roles here

Once the above prerequisites are set you can start synchronizing your changes as needed.

Steps to synchronize your design changes to an iModel