MicroStation Help

Feature Services

Used to create a new connection for an Esri ArcGIS™ Feature Service or an OGC WFS Service.

You can access this from the following.
  • Ribbon: Geospatial Context Workflow > Home > Feature Services > New

Server URL Type in or paste the URL. Enter an Esri Feature Service URL or an OGC WFS Service URL.
  • You will have access to the last 15 different URLs in the drop-down menu including both for Esri Feature Service or WFS Service.

  • When the Server URL field loses focus, the Connection Name is initialized with a default value.
Note: If the provided URL is invalid, an error message is displayed in the message center.
(Select) Services Opens the Feature Service Manager dialog to select a Map server. You can type or paste the URL of a known Map server or select the server in the server list.

The Feature Service Manager dialog makes it possible to mark servers as favorites. The Feature Service Manager dialog shows the favorite servers in the drop down before any of the other servers.

If the server is changed, all the fields are cleared. A warning message is displayed if a new server is entered before a save.

Connection Name Click in the field to check the following:
  • If the URL is for an Esri Service, the Connection Name field is initialized with the Service name as defined by the Esri Server.
  • If the URL is for an OGC WFS Service, the Connection Name field is initialized with the server URL where:
    • The https:// or the http:// at the beginning are removed.
    • All the ‘/’ are replaced by ‘_
    • All the characters after ‘? ‘(and including ‘? ‘) are removed
Note: You can modify the Connection Name for both the Esri Service and OGC WFS Service URLs.
User Name Enter the required User Name.
Password Enter the password for the mentioned User Name if required.
Flip Ordinates Avoids queried features being rotated or flipped. Available only when the WFS URL is entered.

Note: WFS 1.0.0 servers specify the axis order for geographic coordinates as longitude/latitude (X/Y). WFS 2.0.0 servers specify the axis order as latitude/longitude (Y/X). This may result in queried features being rotated or flipped.
OK Select OK to apply the changes.
The OK button is greyed out if any entry in the parameters is incorrect, and a message is displayed in the message center. For example:
  • The entered URL is not valid
  • This connection name is already used.
  • This server requires credentials.
Cancel Closes the connection to the server and exits the New Feature Service Connection window.
Note: For MicroStation to connect with an ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise that requires user authentication, an application must be created and registered in ArcGIS Enterprise to access your GIS data securely. For details refer ArcGIS Enterprise Portal Configuration page.