MicroStation Help

Explorer Settings Dialog

Used to set different options for the Explorer dialog.

You can access this dialog from the following:

  • Ribbon: File > Settings > User > Explorer Settings
  • Toolbox: right-click the Explorer icon in the Primary Tools toolbox and select Settings
File This tab has following settings:
  • Visible — Allows you to set the visibility of File tab in the Explorer dialog. You can show/hide the File tab by selecting Yes or No.
  • Display — Allows you to select type of nodes that would be displayed in Explorer dialog File tab. You can show/hide the nodes by selecting Yes or No.
Items This tab has following settings:
  • Visible — Allows you to set the visibility of Items tab in Explorer dialog. You can show/hide the Items tab by selecting Yes or No.
  • Group By Relationship Type — If set to Yes, groups the items as per their relationship type.
  • Group by Related Item Type - If set to Yes, items are grouped by related item types.
Reports This tab has following settings:
  • Visible — Allows you to set the visibility of Reports tab in Explorer dialog. You can show/hide the Reports tab by selecting Yes or No.
Resources This tab has following settings:
  • Visible — Allows you to set the visibility of Resources tab in Explorer dialog. You can show/hide the Resources tab by selecting Yes or No.
Sheet Index Visible - Allows you to set the visibility of Sheet Index tab in Explorer dialog. You can show/hide the Sheet Index tab by selecting Yes or No.
Links This tab has following settings:
  • Visible — Allows you to set the visibility of Links tab in Explorer dialog. You can show/hide the Links tab by selecting Yes or No.
Display Settings This tab has following settings:
  • Zoom factor — Default magnification when the view is activated.
  • Apply only to active view — Determines if the zoom factor is to be applied only to the active view.
  • Include item groups — If set to Yes, the display includes all the items in the selected item type when zooming.
  • Include related items — If set to Yes, activates the options to determine the nesting depth when zooming related items.
  • Select item groups — If set to Yes, activates the options to select item groups when node is selected.
  • Select related items — If set to Yes, activates the options to select related item groups when node is selected.
Dialog Properties This tab has following settings:
  • Browse Layout — Selects how the layout of the Explorer is displayed. Select Tab to display tabs or select Group Panel to display tabs as group of panels. Default setting is Group Panel.
  • Properties Dialog Components — Defines the components that will be displayed in the Properties Dialog.
  • Maximum Elements — Allows you to set the maximum number of elements whose properties can be viewed in the Properties dialog. You can change this value as desired. The default value is set to 5000.
    Note: If the number of selected elements exceeds the set value you will be alerted by a message in the Properties dialog that you have exceeded the set limit.