MicroStation Help

Configuration Assistant

In MicroStation 2024, there have been a number of changes to the way Configuration Files are organized and processed. If you are using legacy (V8i) WorkSpace, the Configuration Assistant will help you in migrating the legacy WorkSpace to 2024 Configuration.

The Configuration Assistant does the following operations:

  • Identifies installed MicroStation and MicroStation based products on your machine and lists the default WorkSpaces for each product.
  • Converts legacy User (.ucf) to WorkSpace (.cfg).
  • Converts legacy Project (.pcf) to WorkSet (.cfg).
  • Moves Site level configuration (by default set to ..\\WorkSpace\Standards) to Organization level (..\\Configuration\Organization\).
  • Optionally copies all the project data files.

You can access Configuration Assistant dialog from the following:

  • Work page: Click WorkSpace and from the drop-down, select Configuration Migration
  • Ribbon: File > Settings > Configuration > Configuration Migration

There are following sections in the dialog each containing different settings. These sections are sequentially accessible when you click the Next button at the bottom of the dialog.

Section Description
Select V8i WorkSpace Allows you to select the V8i WorkSpace and the type of conversion:
  • Select V8i WorkSpace - Lists the WorkSpaces detected by the Configuration Assistant and allows you to select the desired WorkSpace from the drop-down list. To select another WorkSpace, click the Browse button to navigate to the V8i WorkSpace folder and select it. The path is displayed in the text field.
  • Select conversion type - Options are:
    • Configuration with data files - Migrates the configuration files as well as the data files present in the V8i WorkSpace.
    • Configuration files only - Migrates only the configuration files.
Select V8i Users Allows you to select projects that are to be migrated:
  • Select All Users - Migrates all the projects within the selected V8i WorkSpace. The projects are listed at the bottom of the dialog. This option is selected by default.
  • Let me select Users projects - Migrates only the projects selected in the projects list.
Note: If your V8i project has multiple Users assigned, on migration, you can duplicate the WorkSet created out of the project into every WorkSpace. This can be achieved by setting the MSTN_CREATEMULTIPLECOPIESOFV8IPROJECT configuration variable to 1. If not set (the default), the WorkSet will be copied only in the first WorkSpace.
Select Destination Allows you to select the location where you want to migrate the WorkSpace. The default location of migration is C:\Temp\Configuration. You can click the Browse button to navigate to the desired folder and select it. The path is displayed in the text field. Note that the subfolders for individual projects will be created automatically while migrating.
Migration Process Displays the result of migration. Lists the projects that are successfully migrated as well as the ones that have failed.