MicroStation Help

Print Organizer Print dialog

Used to submit printed output to the Windows System printer or to a file on disk for later submission to the required printer.

You can access this dialog from the following:
  • Print Organizer dialog: File > Print
  • Print Organizer dialog: select the Print icon
  • Print Organizer dialog: select a file, right-click, and select Print from the pop-up meu

File name Displays the selected printer driver configuration file's file name and location.
Type Displays the type of printer driver for which the configuration file is intended.
Printer name (Visible only when the Bentley Windows printer driver is selected.) Displays the Windows printer.
Printer Setup Opens the Printer Setup dialog, which is used to select, edit, and reload a printer driver configuration file.
All Prints the entire print set.
Selection Prints only the print definitions you selected. If you select a folder, all items in the top level folder and sub-folders are considered in the selection.
Number of Copies Specifies the number of copies you want to print. Most Windows printer drivers do support multiple copies, some do not. The hpgl2.pltcfg and pscript.pltcfg printer drivers do support multiple copies; however, the remaining Bentley printer drivers do not.
Collate (Available only when Windows driver is selected. Visible only when Single print job is selected. Enabled only when Number of copies is greater than 1.) When on, the Windows printer collates multiple copy prints for single print job submittals. The printer.pltcfg and interplot.pltcfg printer drivers support collation; however, the remaining Bentley printer drivers do not.
Destination Mode (drop-down list box) Lets you choose the print destination:
  • Send to printer — (Available only when Windows driver is selected.) Sends the print to the selected printer, using the selected printer driver.
  • Create print file — Creates a print file. When printing with a Bentley printer driver, Create print file is the only available choice. If the printer driver configuration file is configured to write directly to an LPT port, this is equivalent to Create print file. If you want Create print file to be the default, change the File Name property in the printer driver configuration file.
  • Create Windows metafile — (Available only when Windows driver is selected.) Creates a Windows enhanced metafile (.emf). If you want Create metafile to be the default, change the Default Create Metafile property in a .pltcfg file.
  • Send to InterPlot Server — (Enabled when an InterPlot printer is selected.) Sends the print to the selected InterPlot printer, using the selected printer driver.
Submit As (drop-down list box) (Available only when the Bentley PDF printer driver is selected.) Lets you determine if a multi-job print set is submitted as a single print request or as separate print requests.
  • Single print job — Specifies that you want to submit multiple prints as one print request.
  • Separate print jobs — Specifies that you want to submit multiple prints as separate print requests.
Destination Specifies the output folder for print files. Use the browse button to locate a folder or to make a new folder.

By default, the value for Destination text box is determined by the MS_PLTFILES configuration variable. If the File Name property specified in the printer driver configuration file is a UNC share, TCP\IP address, or LPT port, then that destination is used as the default instead of the folder specified by MS_PLTFILES.

Multiple print jobs can only be submitted to single folder, UNC share, TCP/IP address, or an LPT port. When printing as separate print jobs, Print Organizer does not support creation of print output files in multiple folders.

Open print file after creation (Visible only when a Bentley PDF printer driver is selected) Opens the file immediately after creating the print file. The print file is opened using the Windows application that is associated with the print file's extension.
Upload PDF to ProjectWise Share This option displays only if the following conditions are met:
  • you are signed in to the CONNECTION Client
  • you have selected the PDF printer driver
  • the printer driver is configured to print to file (i.e. not a printer share or IP address)

When selected, the PDF file is first written to the local drive. Then, the CONNECTION Client sends the file to the Personal Share in a separate background process. The file name on the Personal Share will be the same as the one on the local drive. If a file with the same name already exists in the Personal Share, it will be overwritten.

Use source file directory for print destination Available only when Submit as is set to Separate print jobs, sets the output directory for print output files to the same directory as the source file.
Use multiple process to plot Available only when Submit as is set to Separate print jobs, uses multiple processor cores on the CPU to print multiple drawings faster.

Output File Names Available only when Submit as is set to Separate print jobs, opens the Output File Name Expression dialog.