MicroStation Help

Geographic Toolbox

The Geographic toolbox contains tools for interacting with a Global Positioning System (GPS) or Google Earth. Included are tools for:

  • Selecting a geographic coordinate system.
  • Accessing a GPS.
  • Defining a Google Earth placemark location in a model.
  • Export Google Earth (KMZ) File.
  • Matching the viewing location in MicroStation to that in Google Earth, and vice-versa.
  • Google Earth Settings.
  • Bing Maps to assign background map type.

All tools in a toolbox are not always visible by default. To see all tools, right-click in the toolbox and select Show All from the menu.

To Select in the Geographic toolbox
Select a geographic coordinate system from a library of predefined geographic coordinate systems.

Select Geographic Coordinate System
Access a Global Positioning System (GPS) connected to your computer.

Global Positioning System (GPS)
Export geometry to Google Earth.

Export Google Earth (KML) File
Import Geometry from Google Earth

Import Google Earth (KML) File
Define a Google Earth Placemark Monument in a model.

Define Placemark Monument
Control settings and operation of the export and capture image functions.

Google Earth Settings
Open Google Maps with the selected location in the center of the map.

Open Location in Google Maps
Bing Maps to select the Background Map type.
Bing Maps