MicroStation Help

Modify Features Toolbox

Tools in the Modify Features toolbox are used to:

  • edit existing features
  • modify faces, edges or vertices of a parametric element
  • construct a single solid from the union, intersection, or difference of existing solids
  • delete faces or parts of solids
  • manage applied feature inputs
  • manipulate applied features on parametric elements
  • rollback, disable or delete an applied feature

All tools in a toolbox are not always visible by default. To see all tools, right-click in the toolbox and select Show All from the menu.

To Select in the Features toolbox
Edit existing features.

Edit Feature
Relocate inwards or outwards one or more faces, edges or vertices of a solid.

Modify Solid
Construct a single solid that is the union of two or more existing (overlapping) solids.

Union Feature
Construct a single solid by subtracting the volume of one or more (overlapping) solids from another.
Difference Feature
Construct a single solid that is the intersection of two or more existing (overlapping) solids.

Intersection Feature
Delete a piece from a solid.

Delete Piece
Delete a face from a solid.

Delete Face
Show the profile element of an applied feature.

Show Feature Input
Hide the profile element of an applied feature.

Hide Feature Input
Replace the profile element of an applied feature.

Replace Solid or Profile
Move an applied feature on the parametric solid.

Move Parametric Solid Feature
Rotate an applied feature on the parametric solid.

Rotate Parametric Solid Feature
Make a mirror image of an applied feature.

Mirror Parametric Solid Feature
Make multiple copies in an array of an applied feature.

Array Parametric Solid Feature
Undo the last applied feature.

Roll Back Most Recent Parametric Solid Feature
Disable the effect of a feature.

Disable Feature
Remove an applied feature.

Delete Solid Feature